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[–]VarangianRasputin 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

including this one even if this one is unusually weak and mild.

I just want to highlight this. There is this weird angle that Blackpillers and SiegeFags like to use where they basically say, "This system is too strong it has it's fingers in so many pies, its over bro."

I don't think a system has ever handled dissent as poorly as this rotten one. There's no subtlety or tact; this election is proof of that. Literally nobody believes this election was legit besides a small fraction of braindead looneys. Even Biden-Supporters can see it, it's just that they don't care.

The system is akin to a clown juggling knives while doing laps on a unicycle; all he needs to go down is for somebody to throw a pie at him.