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[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Part 4

/u/LadyEuropaEffy /u/literalotherkin /u/VarangianRasputin /u/beanStalker /u/Ethnocrat /u/antireddit/u/AFutureConcern /u/arainynightinskyrim /u/send_nasty_stuff /u/LarrySwinger /u/horrux

The 1994 New Citizenship Project

In 1994, a new non-profit organization, the 'New Citizenship Project' was formed, with political commentator William (Bill) Kristol as chairman and Gary J. Schmitt as president. It was largely funded by many private neoconservative donors and right-wing foundations as well as democrat war-hawks. Their mission statement...

"An organization created to promote greater civic participation in our national life."

1996 and Neocon Treachery

When it comes to neocon treachery, 1996 was indeed a very big year, because these same neoconservatives decided to get busy. Very busy.

They formed the US Committee to Expand NATO, which later became the US Committee on NATO.)

Neoconservatives Bill Kristol and Donald Kagan co-authored a piece called "Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy," another cornerstone in their plan for complete control of US policy.

Also in 1996, another dark document was conceived and written for the IASPS, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (Israeli company), with dire implications for the middle east. It was entitled "A Clean Break - A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," penned by neocon co-authors David Wurmser and Richard Perle. It formed the basis for the middle east wars which would take place post-9/11.

Most have given credit to Douglas Feith, but he now denies being a "main" contributor, although admits to be consulted on the paper before its publication.

1997 and The Project for a New American Century

In 1997, the Project for a New American Century was finally born, the PNAC. Spawned from the skewed right-wing brain-trust of neocons who are really fascist neotrotskyites; William Kristol and Robert Kagan, their sole purpose was to form a new US policy... one that was overly aggressive and self aggrandizing, espousing the US as supreme over all. (In reality, the "supreme US" is all a ruse, which will be explained further on.)

In its founding statement of principles, just like the DPG draft, the PNAC statement called for U.S. global leadership and preemptive action, stating:

"Of course, the United States must be prudent in how it exercises its power. But we cannot safely avoid the responsibilities of global leadership or the costs that are associated with its exercise. America has a vital role in maintaining peace and security in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. If we shirk our responsibilities, we invite challenges to our fundamental interests. The history of the 20th century should have taught us that it is important to shape circumstances before crises emerge, and to meet threats before they become dire. The history of this century should have taught us to embrace the cause of American leadership."

The evidence of a clear effort to take down the US becomes even more transparent just a year later in October of '98, when yet another dark document was conceived, called "Catastrophic Terrorism: Elements of a National Policy."

1998, Catastrophic Terrorism: Elements of a National Policy

"Catastrophic Terrorism"... as a National Policy?


Well, that's exactly what the public and other government watchdogs were asking back then as well, and so guess what? All of a sudden - magically, overnight - that document suddenly had a new name... Catastrophic Terrorism: "Tackling the New Danger."

So, using our 20/20 hindsight once again, was that earlier title all just some form of eerie prescience, or was it an actual revealing preview of their true intended plans for this country?

Thinking minds shouldn't have to parse that one about for too long.

Then there was the issue of the little subtitle in the document...

"Imagining the 'transformative event.'"

There are two key components to that title... the act of "imagining," as well as the "transformative event," the latter of which is actually two more things unto itself - something "transformative," and in the form of an "event."

Perhaps the only title more telling about its authors might have been "Daydreaming about the transformative event."

A very telling admission/concession of guilt came in the form of a later revision which shamelessly changed the subtitle to its present version, "Visions of Governance for the Twenty-First Century."

Although, even that small revision reveals much about this group and its plans, because it blatantly spells out in its revised title, a new type of US governance is being implied.

A Policy Coup

This new policy proposal was the byproduct of yet another tiny micro-group of neoconservative men; Zionist gentile, Ashton B. Carter; Russian Zionist Jew, John Deutch, and Philip Zellikow, Jewish Zionist. At the time, only John Deutch was publicly well known as the former Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1994-95, and Director of the CIA from 1995-96. Deutch also served on the boards of directors of Citigroup, Cummins, Raytheon, and Schlumberger Ltd. Deutch is also a member of the Trilateral Commission.

Let us see what the Jewish press says themselves about Zionists / Jews with Dual-Israeli citizenship occupying the U.S. Government.

From Jewish Week, July 21, 1995:

JEWISH APPOINTEES AT WHITE HOUSE [headline] An administration that already seems to be setting records for the number of Jews in high-level positions has added several more.

Lee Fisher, the former attorney general of Ohio, is President Clinton's choice as head of the National Commission on Crime Control and Prevention... [the article tells us that Fisher is: a Cleveland lawyer, played a major role in setting up hate crimes statues in Ohio; known for his effort to create partnerships between law enforcement and citizens groups; leading advocate of handgun control]

... Cheryl Halpern, to the broadcasting board of governors of the International Bureau of Broadcasting. [Halpern: was president of the Natl. Jewish Coalition; served on the executive board of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, [couldn't that be considered a conflict of interest?]the Executive Committee of the N. J. Regional Advisory Board of the A.D.L. and the Metrowest Jewish Federation] Gentiles did not scream HATE CRIMES or Discrimination! Only "special persons" do that. The Jewish Forward '95 carried an article about Jew, John Deutch's appointment as head of CIA.

As soon as he was confirmed, Deutch promptly dismissed all experienced high-ranking gentile CIA officials and replaced them with a new, all-Jewish staff: George Tenet, to CIA Deputy Director; David Cohen to Dir. Of Operations and Nora Slatkin to Executive Director... third in command of the Agency.

The Forward says that Deutch and his family are holocaust survivors. His mother was the daughter of the famous Zionist, Jean Fischer, whose family were wealthy diamond merchants in Belgium. This fact connects the wealthy Deutch family both to the Zionist state of Israel and to the international Jewish diamond and banking cartel, which has a long history of fraud and third world exploitation

In February 2000, CBS-60 Minutes, aired a program about a former employee (a Jew) who was suing the CIA, alleging that he had been terminated from the CIA – singled out -- because he was a Jew. This was a common occurrence in the 40's through 60's but not too common in the present day. As a result of that pernicious performance, the ADL has now become an arm of the U.S. Government – a "watch dog" appointed to "observe and direct" the hiring/firing policies of (allegedly) OUR U.S. CIA!

Do you understand just how far the infiltration and control of OUR government has gone and is there ANY doubt that what is in place now is a Zionist Occupied Government,. Look at congress and their applaud when Benjamin Netanyahu speaks. It is a circus. And yet saying this will get you the anti-Semitic canard.

Also from Peter Kawaja's "THE SADDEST CHAPTER OF AMERICAS HISTORY" on John Deutch, a "special person" who like Bush, took control of "our," already corrupt CIA :

John Deutch now CIA Director - formerly Chemistry Professor at MIT & on the Defense Science Board which issued a secret report in 1980 urging US production of "binary" weapons.

The New York Times reported in July 1995 that on his appointment, Deutch "moved quickly to change things, Frederick Hitz [Inspector General of the Central Intelligence Agency] was the only senior official who kept his job." He essentially gutted the CIA of so called realist conservatives.

Furthermore, Phillip Zellikow would "coincidentally" be later named as the head of the 9/11 Commission, while Ashton B. Carter would later become Secretary of Defense.

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Part 5

Catastrophic Terrorism: Elements of a National Policy Continued...

The thing most damning about the Catastrophic Terrorism (CT) study was their joint speculation on what would have happened had the 1993 World Trade Center bombing brought down the twin towers...

"Such an act of catastrophic terrorism would be a watershed event in American history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented in peacetime and undermine America's fundamental sense of security, as did the Soviet atomic bomb test in 1949. Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects, and use of deadly force."

The proposal then suggests:

"More violence could follow, either further terrorist attacks or U.S. counterattacks."

These members of the CT study also wrote:

"Readers should imagine the possibilities for themselves, because the most serious constraint on current policy is lack of imagination. An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and undermine Americans’ fundamental sense of security within their own borders in a manner akin to the 1949 Soviet atomic bomb test, or perhaps even worse. Constitutional liberties would be challenged as the United States sought to protect itself from further attacks by pressing against allowable limits in surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects, and the use of deadly force. More violence would follow, either as other terrorists seek to imitate this great "success" or as the United States strikes out at those considered responsible."

"Like Pearl Harbor, such an event would divide our past and future into a before and after."

"Using imagination, we hope now to find some of the political will that we know would be there later, "after," because this nation prefers prevention to funereal reconstruction. When this threat becomes clear the President must be in a position to activate extraordinary capabilities."

This isn't a proposal as much as it is a full out plan... neocon daydreaming on how to take down the United States.


When it comes to the numerous repeated references to "Pearl Harbor," it was all very deliberate. It was literally an elaborate mass conditioning scheme, to get people to once again accept the "great lie," as they did leading to WWII.

As coincidence would have it... conspicuously enough, the $450-million dollar movie blockbuster "Pearl Harbor" was also released early that year, in May of 2001, settling the horror of Dec 7, 1941 back into the public consciousness.

Add to that, this disturbing account. According to author Barbara Honegger, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had given out literally hundreds of copies of Pearl Harbor; Warning and Decision that year, written by Rand employee Roberta Wohlstetter. It was also reported to be required reading for Rumsfeld's personal aides.

With a multi-trillion dollar War on Terror looming on the horizon, this was not a coincidence.

The PNAC set the stage and then they played it for all its worth. This group was literally the poster-child for all things non-Constitutional mayhem post 9/11, most especially the run-up to the Iraq War.

Preceding the war, key PNAC members such as Paul Wolfowitz (later the head of the World Bank!!!) and Richard Perle beat the drum for war with Iraq as did Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel hard-line Likud party members. According the Vanderbilt Television Archives, Wolfowitz was on 180 times to sell the war while Perle was on 187.

They were programming the American public to not only accept their ruse, but then act upon it using classical conditioning methods.

And as history shows, it seems to have worked pretty damn well.

Each of these PNAC proposals were essential pieces to the overall master plan, the takeover and dissolution of the United States, the latter of which is totally contrary to their stated principles, but as many have already figured out, the inevitable outcome of this has already been deviously engineered into the deployment of their aggressive plan, in the form of blowback and retaliation from those oppressed and infuriated by the plans eventual overall execution. Perhaps most telling of all, the PNAC website ( and the POTD website ( have both been removed from the internet.

What's the old saying about having nothing to hide?

Long story short folks, if you haven't figured it out by now, this was an illegal coup on the United States of America. Period. End of discussion.

According to Michelle Ciarrocca and William D. Hartung's book, "Axis Of Influence: Behind the Bush Administration's Missile Defense Revival," World Policy Institute Special Report, July 2002...

"When Zakheim left the Defense Department in 1987, it was for an executive vice president post with the Virginia-based government contractor Systems Planning Corporation (SPC), which has supplied the Defense Department with military technology such as remote controlled flight technology for several decades and has been a support contractor for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Zakheim also served as CEO at subsidiary SPC International and as a consultant for the defense contractors McDonnell Douglas (now a part of Boeing) and Northrop Grumman."

When it comes to the US neoconservative movement, there appears to be dirt from 9/11, no matter where you turn, yet, this is but only the tip of the iceberg.

Everyone gets the blame post 9/11, except for the neocons, Zionists and their US and Israeli supporters who planned it all. For added measure, these neocons were center stage on the spotlight of leftist and right leaning news agencies. They are paraded on live television as if they are saviors or idols we should look up to.

The fact that the mainstream corporate media has said virtually nothing about this infiltration of the US government by a private neoconservative group of individuals, with foreign ties to another government, that is quite telling in itself.

It tends to substantiate and corroborate allegations that the media is a disinformation and propaganda conduit of the government, supported by the ultra-wealthy powers that be.

Another point of contention is the fact that this secretive group is also a key sister organization to another covert group, the Israeli organization known as IASPS, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies. (Responsible for Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.)

The two plans together, Rebuilding America's Defenses, and A Clean Break, both dovetail together as one plan, with a singular agenda and objective.

One could rightfully suggest that there may be more than just these two uncovered plans in play. There very well could conceivably be at least two more plans, covering both the EU and Asia, but they have yet to surface in the public domain.

I've said it many times over and I will keep repeating it every chance I get...

The Taliban did not create the IASPS or the PNAC.

Al Qaeda didn't draft the "Clean Break" document, nor the 1992 DPG, or the 2000 "Rebuilding America's Defenses" document.

Isis is not the one changing US law or restricting your Constitutional rights.

Our politicians did all of this to you... to all of us... and yet they themselves are but minions to the powers that be (TPTB), puppets to the uber-rich marionettes who rule this world with indifference for all but themselves.

Allegedly... these neoconservative Israel hard-liner idealists did it all so that they could perpetuate their plan for US supremacy through the "New American Century," but in all reality, it's about the demise of the US, for a one-world globalist rule.

That may be hard to accept, or even fathom for some, but one only needs to look at what's happened to the US post 9/11 as a result of their covert national policy changes.

This is why many of the internationalists see fit to turn to a multilateral economic order with the possible exclusion of the U.S.

The system at its present has been in development for more then three centuries now, its formations can be seen in action in the late 1600s in Amsterdam which was a former financial power house for Jewish bankers in the past which aided in the removal of the Roman Catholic's influence in England (King James) with William of Orange, (ref. The Glorious Revolution).

Many people hate on the world government for their engineering of economies and people, but what these people have done has been a manufactured progression towards what they believe to be a stable, economically egalitarian redistribution whose aim is a better quality of life for people, so they say, and a state counter intuitive to the human animal because tribal feudalism is that state and its manifestations occur in things such as Financial Faux-Capitalism, where we have a short rebuff too, as to why we have democratic socialism with the plugin for capitalist markets. The New Economic World Order might look good on paper, it might even work, yet we've seen for many years its infiltration and the bad people that surround it. It could be hailed as the savior of poverty and war, the antidote in fact, or just another form of totalitarian control run by technocrats, theocrats and the Zionist Cabal.

And let us now look at what a prominent German Jewish neocon has to say about this New Order....

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Part 6

/u/LadyEuropaEffy /u/literalotherkin /u/VarangianRasputin /u/beanStalker /u/Ethnocrat /u/antireddit/u/AFutureConcern /u/arainynightinskyrim /u/send_nasty_stuff /u/LarrySwinger /u/horrux

Alexander H. Joffe, a pro-Israel academic, has been a featured writer in the pages of this JINSA publication, and that he was given so much space to tout his theories certainly reflects the high regard in which his views are held.

According to Michael Collins Piper. quoted from his book until further notice:

In his essay, Joffee frankly admitted that “America is an empire” and asserts that, yes, this is a very good thing. Joffe says that when the UN dared to take on Zionism, that marked the demise of the UN in the minds of the internationalists.

Joffe writes:

“The end of the General Assembly as a credible body may plausibly be ascribed to the infamous ‘Zionism is Racism’ resolution in 1975.” The JINSA author contends that the world should be “grateful” that the UN has been “discredited, reduced to farce and ultimately ground to a halt,” referring, of course, to UN positions that the Zionists and their allies in the world empire movement find offensive.

As a result of the UN being shelved as a world government vehicle, writes Joffe, “We now have the opportunity, and obligation, to begin again.” However, he warns that the emerging European Union (EU) is a threat to the dream of a global empire.

The JINSA writer asserts that the EU is an:

“alternative vision for the international community,” one that, as he puts it, frankly is “the authentic countervision to an American Empire.”

According to the Zionist writer, the biggest problem with Europe and the EU is that:

“culture remains at the core of Europe’s problems. Nationalism was a doctrine born in Europe, as were its vicious mutant offspring: fascism and communism.”

(Note: A fervent advocate of Israeli super-nationalism, the writer, Joffe, doesn’t seem to see the lack of logic in his attack on other peoples’ nationalism—but then, again, honesty has never been integral to the hard- line Zionist point of view.)

Joffe complains that although “the new European Empire is multi- cultural in theory . . . in reality it is dominated politically and culturally by France and economically by Germany.”

Today, in the EU, he says:

“driven by a sense of postcolonial guilt and postwar ennui the door have been thrown open to all ideas. At the most sinister levels it has permitted and even legitimized a vast explosion of unhinged thought and action, namely anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism, and a wide variety of conspir- acy theories.”

(The so-called “conspiracy theories” that so alarm this Zionist theo- retician are those that dare to challenge the “official” views of what real- ly happened on September 11, 2001. He is inflamed that millions of peo- ple in Europe and the Muslim world—not to mention the United States—have raised questions about Israeli foreknowledge and/or involvement in those events.)

In any case, what Joffe describes as:

“the other kind of liberal internationalism” what the Zionist movement favors and Joffe defines it:

The American Empire has no real or theoretical competitors. The goal of the American Empire in the 21st century is not territorial control or the exploitation of resources but political and economic leadership which defends and advances American interests, and which promotes the development and well being of all nations. Given our history and our values, that future lies in leveraging the American Empire in such a way that it becomes the basis of a new democratic international system.

Ultimately the only answer for a stable and prosperous planet will be a glob- al system that is structurally and morally similar to the American union—semi- autonomous states with secular, liberal democratic systems; where states have both prescribed rights and agreed upon responsibilities in a larger secular, liberal dem- ocratic framework; one equipped with checks and balances and meaningful insti- tutions; with governance based on rule of law and tolerant and pluralist values. In the second-part of his extended essay, published in the Winter 2004 issue of JINSA’s journal, Joffe pursued this line of thought further, expanding on his call for what he described as “an empire that looks like America.” 138

Amazingly, Joffe frankly talks about the United States engaging in massive imperial conquests in the trouble-torn regions of Africa—pre- sumably after the United States has already made havoc in the Arab coun- tries of the Middle East:

The conditions under which America and its allies would simply take over and restore African countries are far from clear. What are the thresholds for inter- vention? What are the procedures and outcomes? Who will fight and who will pay? The restoration of Africa would involve long-term commitments and immense costs, of the sort that could only be paid for by Africa itself. That is to say, it would probably require American economic control, to go along with political and cultural control. Colonialism is always pay as you go, and it is not pretty. The question is both whether Africa can pay the price (or afford not to) and whether America has the stomach.

Of course, Africa is not the only target of Joffe and his like-minded schemers (and that is precisely what they are, however, “extreme” that term may be perceived). In fact, Joffe talks of a wide-ranging global agenda—well beyond the African continent.

In the end, however, Joffe lets the cat out of the bag, about the real intentions of those who are using United States military power as the mechanism for a bigger agenda.

“New arrangements,” he says, “must come into being under American leadership to provide an alternative for states that are willing to accept rights and responsibilities.”

Joffe dreams of a United Nations that has been re-made under the imperial force of the United States. And ultimately, he predicts the possibility of a world government, writing:

Possibly, after a period of chaos and anger, which in any event would simply intensify existing states of being, the institution [the United Nations] might be bludgeoned into changing. [Note his use of the term “bludgeoned.”—MCP]

Rather than a club that admits all, the 21st century United Nations might— someday, somehow—be remade into an exclusive, by invitation, members-only group, of free, democratic states, sharing similar values. Or in the end, replaced by one. That day, however, may be decades off.

Should there be any doubt that he is talking about world government, note Joffe’s concluding words:

The best way to preserve the American empire is to eventually give it up.

Setting the stage for global governance can only be done with American leader- ship and American-led institutions of the sort schematically outlined here.

So it is. Despite all the high-sounding rhetoric about “democracy,” what it all comes down to—in the words of this pro-Israel ideologue—is the use of America’s military power to advance another (secret) agenda altogether. Even many of those grass-roots American flag-wavers (who may be genuine patriots) who relish the concept of an American empire may find Joffe’s concepts somewhat different from what they otherwise might perceive.

But here, in the pages of a devotedly pro-Zionist journal, we learn precisely what the “story behind the story” actually happens to be. It has nothing to do, really, even with a “strong America” or, for that matter, even with America itself.

The United States of America is simply a pawn—albeit a powerful one—in the game, being ruthlessly shifted about in a scheme for world dominance by an elite few operating behind the scenes. And, in the end, this does tell us very much about who The High Priests of War really are and what their agenda is really all about. There’s no mystery at all.

What remains to be determined is what the American people—and all other real patriots in nations around the globe—intend to do about it. The question is this: will the world finally decide it is time to declare war on The High Priests of War?

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Part 7 Now that we know who did; How did they do it? Who did they contract?

/u/LadyEuropaEffy /u/literalotherkin /u/VarangianRasputin /u/beanStalker /u/Ethnocrat /u/antireddit/u/AFutureConcern /u/arainynightinskyrim /u/send_nasty_stuff /u/LarrySwinger /u/horrux

Best documentary on 9/11- 'September 11th New Pearl Harbor' created by Massimo Mazzuco, an Italian filmaker:

^ ^ ^ Does this look like a gravitational collapse, this is excluding dustified bone that could only be done by explosives and impossible lateral speeds of steal beams hitting other towers blocks away that could not account for mere gravitational collapse, which ZIoCon controlled NIST never even investigated for they said collapse was inevitable, lol.

Does this look like a gravitational collapse or a demolition? Clearly a demolition:

^ ^ ^ Pictured above is our World Trade Center Tower being destroyed by continuous explosions using Superthermite (Nano-thermite) explosives in a controlled demolition and possibly detcord, gelignite and c4. Sol-gel Nano-thermites are categorized as energetic nanocomposites. As reported in the New York Times, hundreds of 9/11 first responder’s witness continuous explosions, thereby corroborating that controlled demolitions were used to completely demolish the WTC Towers. Some people were event killed or inured in the b-4 level of the towers well after the planes hit the facade. Indicating cutter charges at the base of the core columns.

^ ^ ^ Did not collapse, not even partially.

^ ^ ^ At no time in history has any building ever completely disintegrated without the use of explosives. The buildings above were all damaged by earthquakes. Three WTC Towers were completely demolished on 9/11. Why is our government telling us that these demolitions were caused by spontaneous collapse, primarily due to fire, after finding incontrovertible evidence of military high explosives?

Physics Journal Publishes Hard Peer-reviewed Evidence of WTC Explosives... Twenty-five Military Officers Call Official 9/11 story "Impossible", "Ludicrous", "A well-organized cover-up", investigate 911 now... Majority of 9/11 Commissioners Now Say Government Lied... 2,000+ Architects & Engineers "calling for a Grand Jury investigation of NIST officials"...

^ ^ ^ Scientists find Nano-thermite explosives (estimated at over 10-tons) at the World Trade Center catastrophe. Some debunkers like to claim these are just iron spheres from the fires, this is a lie, as multiple scientists were able to ignite these nano-thermite chips which had high explosive potential. Detcord, blasting gel, i.e., gelignite, and c4 were also used.

Nano-thermite explosives shown above were gathered from the WTC debris shortly after the towers fell on 9/11. Brigham Young University Physics Professor, Dr. Steven Jones, discovered the explosives and joined an international team of nine scientists for further analysis. Through extensive laboratory testing, the scientists concluded that the samples were Nano-thermitic explosives. After a rigorous peer-review process, their paper was published in the Bentham Chemical Physics Journal, which has been endorsed by Nobel Laureates and is respected within the scientific community.

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Part 8 Now that we know who did; How did they do it? Who did they contract? II

/u/LadyEuropaEffy /u/literalotherkin /u/VarangianRasputin /u/beanStalker /u/Ethnocrat /u/antireddit/u/AFutureConcern /u/arainynightinskyrim /u/send_nasty_stuff /u/LarrySwinger /u/horrux

The paper's first author is Dr. Niels Harrit, a 37-year Professor of Chemistry at Copenhagen University in Denmark and an expert in Nano-chemistry, who says, "The official account put forth by NIST violates the fundamental laws of physics."

Government and independent evidence corroborates Thermitic explosives used to bring down all three WTC Towers on 9/11.

Over two thousand architects, engineers, academics, and high-ranking military officers, as well as hundreds of 9/11 firemen, survivors, and family members have challenged the government's conspiracy theory. Twenty-five military officers call the official 9/11 story, "Impossible", "Ludicrous", "A well-organized cover-up". Forty-one U.S. counter-terrorism and intelligence agency veterans challenge the official 9/11 account, calling it, "terribly flawed", "laced with contradictions", "a joke", "a cover-up".

The majority of 9/11 Commissioners now say that the government lied about 9/11, including its Chairman, Thomas Kean (Republican), Vice Chairman, Lee Hamilton (Democrat), and its Senior Legal Counsel, John Farmer, who states, "there was an agreement not to tell the truth."

According to a scientific poll by New York Times & CBS News, only 16% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about 9/11, while 81% think it is hiding something or mostly lying. CNN poll shows that 89% believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11.

But according to this alt-right sub, supposedly Jew-wise, the majority believe the government sanctioned narrative. Quite laughable.

^ ^ ^ Shown above, is more of the "Smoking Gun" evidence, which is based on using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, X-ray Fluorescence, and Electron Microprobe analyses on residue from ground zero, which indicates the incriminating chemical profile or "signature" of Thermate, which as mentioned is Thermite plus sulfur to increase cutting efficiency by chemically reducing the melting point of steel.

^ ^ ^ Raymond L. McGovern, Chairman of National Intelligence Estimates, 27-year CIA Veteran says:

"The 9/11 report is a joke."

Seismic Signals Reveal Explosives Were Used at the WTC on 9/11

Seismic Signals Reveal Explosives Were Used at the WTC on 9/11, according to geophysicist André Rousseau. Doctor André Rousseau, former researcher in geophysics at CNRS and specialist in sound waves, presents us with the results of his analysis of the seismic signals recorded on September 11, 2001 in New York and gives his point of view as a specialist on the question of the destruction of the three towers at the World Trade Center.

^ ^ ^ Shortly after the jet hit the North WTC Tower, Edna Cintron, pictured above, was waving from its hole, indicating that its opening was not particularly hot. How could the fires be hot enough to melt steel, but cool enough for Edna?

As shown above, fire does not do this to steel; however, Thermate does. The byproduct of Thermate is molten iron--as witnessed by numerous NYFD personnel and many others. Leslie Robertson, Structural Engineer responsible for the design of the WTC, was quoted at the National Conference of Structural Engineers on October 5, 2001, "As of 21 days after the attack, the fires were still burning, and molten steel was still running."

Thermate is known by criminal investigators as a "smoking gun" when found in the aftermath of fires as it is used as an incendiary by arsonists. Testing for Thermite is specified in fire and explosion investigations by the NFPA 921 code. Why is our government refusing to test World Trade Center dust for explosives?

Government images above indicate "ground zero" surface temperatures exceeding 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit, which were recorded five days after 9/11. These thermal photographs only indicate surface temperatures, not the higher temperatures witnessed deeper under the rubble. Once again, this high temperature phenomenon is only witnessed after controlled demolitions using Thermate (or its equivalent) to melt through structural steel support beams.

It is scientifically implausible for jet fuel, which is basically kerosene, or a building fire to melt steel. The only time you find evidence of molten iron, as seen above, is after a controlled demolition using Thermate or its equivalent.

The “open air burning” temperature of jet fuel is 549.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Pictured above, is additional corroborating evidence from a scientific study by the RJ Leegroup, which shows a vesicular alumino-silicate particle found in WTC dust, described in their "Expert Report: WTC Dust Signature" dated May 2004, as a "round open porous structure having a Swiss cheese appearance as a result of boiling and evaporation." If indeed such an alumino-silicate particle sustained sufficient temperatures to "boil", this event would indicate temperatures within the WTC destruction of 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is completely out of the range of the maximum temperature of 1,832 degrees Fahrenheit, determined for the WTC fires using the NIST analysis. However, this evidence is consistent with and strongly suggests the use of Thermite based explosives in the pulverization of WTC Towers during the 9/11 controlled demolitions.

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