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[–]probgoingtohell 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Michigan is definitely going blue. Trump only won by 10,704 votes and that was mainly due to Bernie Sanders supporters upset over the primary staying home and reduced Afro American voters due to Hillary's unpopularity with the community. Every single poll shows Trump with a net disapproval rating, he has done nothing to revitalize the economy or industry of the state or drain the swamp(which was one of the key promises that won the blue wall states). Biden in general is a much better candidate than Hillary. In the 2016 Michigan primary Sanders won over Clinton and yet Clinton still came extremely close to winning. In the 2020 Michigan primary Biden obliterated Bernie winning every county. I think that's a sure sign the state will flip back to the blues in the election. Not to mention Covid's impact on the economy, killing off older voters and Trump's incompetence in dealing with it.