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[–]covor 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Can you explain the gas chamber hoax? I mean, what makes you think it was a hoax?

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Here's a good video to start

There's been quite a lot of stuff in recent episodes of TDS and Strike and Mike on TheRightStuff where they've been fact checking the hoax. and have a lot of information.

[–]buzzBeeAintFree[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

One of the biggest redpills is learning the difference between a "concentration camp" and a "death camp"

Apparently the only remaining claims of human gas chambers are at camps that Americans were NOT allowed to inspect because they were in Communist controlled Poland.


"No serious historian pretends any longer that people were gassed in any camp anywhere in the Old Reich. Today, allegations are only made about certain camps situated in Poland. 19 August 1960 constituted an important date in the history of the myth of the "gas chambers." On this day, the newspaper Die Zeit published a letter which was entitled "No gassing at Dachau."[25] From the content of the letter, a better title would have been "No gassing anywhere in the Old Reich"; (Germany with its 1937 frontiers.) This letter emanated from Dr. Martin Broszat, director since 1972 of the Institute of Contemporary History at Munich. This Dr. Broszat is a convinced anti-Nazi. He belongs to the group of Exterminationist historians. He believes in the authenticity of the "confessions" of Rudolf Hoss, which he published in 1958 (but with serious cuts of the text in the passages where Hoss had exaggerated "a little too much"-probably obeying the suggestions of his Polish jailers.[26] In brief, Dr. Broszat admitted on 19 August 1960 that gassing had never existed in the whole of the Old Reich. He added, using a confused expression, that there had been gassing "above all"(?) at some chosen points in Poland, for instance Auschwitz.[27]"


After the Americans captured the German camps, American military intelligence planted fake evidence of shrunken heads, lamp shades supposedly made from human skin, and soap supposedly made from human fat

Also, in the 1990s, a Jewish American named David Cole traveled to auschwitz.

He interviewed the curator of Auschwitz and got him to admit (on camera) that the alleged gas chamber was "re-created" by the Soviets after they captured the camp.

Recreated? Does that make sense?

It's also a proven fact that the Soviets murdered 22,000 Poles in the Katyn massacre and then blamed the Katyn massacre on the Germans during the Nuremberg trials.

After 45 years, in 1990 the Soviets finally admitted that they committed the massacre. This is now accepted as a proven fact by ALL historians.

So given the proven fact that the Soviets falsely blamed the Katyn massacre on the Germans, it is so hard to imagine that that the Soviets would manufacture fake "gas chambers" to blame on the Germans in the Nuremberg trials?

Of course not. The Soviets faking a gas chamber is completely consistent with how the Soviets and American intelligence was faking evidence in order to blame the Germans for fake war crimes.

There were also efforts to fake gas chamber stories in the camps that were captured by the Americans - but they couldn't pull off that hoax

[–]covor 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well, I don't hate the Jews, but I have a big problem with Israel and Zionism in general. I've been fascinated by the Holocaust for a long time, and I've read quite a bit of literature, mostly survivor accounts. Also watched interviews with survivors and all kinds of documentaries (not only American ones).

From all this reading, I don't have any doubt that gas chambers existed at some camps. Yes, the Germans did the mass killings outside of Germany, but so what?

Here are some very hard to refute arguments for the existence of gas chambers: 1. A lot of survivors talked about them, including some who were part of the commandos working at the crematoriums. 2. It is impossible for so many people to lie so well, to have such consistent lies. If they lied, at least one of them would eventually make a mistake and the truth would surface. 3. Rudolf Hoss admitted in his auto biography that over 1 million Jews were killed at Auschwitz during his command. Why would he admit that if it was a lie? 4. Pretty much everyone at Auschwitz knew about the crematoriums, all of them have seen and smelled the smoke. It would be impossible for all of them to lie about it. 5. The number of Jews in Europe had drastically decreased after the war.

Btw, it's no secret that the gas chambers at Auschwitz were recreated later on. They were destroyed by the Germans at the end of 1944, when they knew the Russians would get there. In fact, if I remember correctly, they stopped killing people (at a large scale) in September or so.