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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A woman simply to be believed in court?! What an outdated notion! Surely, we would have progressed from such gendered discrimination in our modern and enlightened times.

What do I hear? "Believe all women?" #MeToo

Well, see that is only to compensate for the evils of men of PRIOR generations. See, we need to be biased in favor of women NOW because we have been so calloused towards their plight previously, see? It's all justice. Sure, we don't usually hold children accountable for the crimes of their parents -- what an outdated notion of injustice -- but in this case, you see, the inherent discrimination in our system continues to this day, and in order to right this wrong we just need to tip the scale into the other direction for a while, sort of like with black Americans, you see? Under patriarchy and in prior times, we never believed women! We simply believed men, you see? So now, in order for justice to be served, we just have to believe women for a while. I am glad you understand, now accept your sentence and go to prison for the next ten years. Several women have credibly accused you and surely you would not smear the name of these fine ladies.