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[–]heapofjelly 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Pretty wack is accurate, and maybe too kind. Scientology is sociological venom designed to destroy divine will. Long story short, Hubbard was a student of Crowley, and Hubbard's fake religion is literally an inversion of Thelema. Thelemic Law is:

Do what thou wilt be the whole of the Law; and Love is the Law, Love under Will.

Interprete that mathematically, as Will/Love, your true divine will divided by the love of God for his creation (the 93 Current). It is quite entirely different from the pissass wrong interpretation that contemporary heavy metal bands give it. Anyway, Will isn't your primal urges, it is divine, and divided by love, 93/93.

Hubbard has transposed things such that Will is divided by 0. Not even 1, but 0. Scientology is a practice literally designed to destroy the will of adherents.

I realize most people don't care, they just know Scientology sucks. Well it does, it sucks humanity out of society, and the figurative souls from practitioners.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Do as thine will as you will do no harm.

[–]heapofjelly 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Right on, but tell Hubbard's generals that. There is a terrifying trend these days toward belief in twisted conspiracy theories that in itself is enough to drive me to benzos, or at least off the grid. But I believe it will change with time. One of the recent social changes that is actually good is the growing disdain of cults like $cientology. Religion as a whole and superstition in general are making a comeback, but at least one popular group is rapidly dying.

Remember in the Neuromancer series, when William Gibson suggested that the only religions to survive were Catholicism and Scientology? He hit a lot of things on the head, but we can take comfort in the knowledge that he was wrong about that.

This started with a Beck quote, and tbh his association with them ruined his mediocre music for me too. But I still see him more as a victim than a problem. Likewise for Cruise and Travolta. I think John would much rather be free to do what comes natural to him - suck men off in gymnasium rest rooms - but he can't, the "church" would destroy him. The poor guy lives in a prison - not the good kind that he might enjoy, but a glass one that he carries with him 24/7. I honestly think Tom Cruise wants nothing more than to help the world. But he is broken, and on the verge of insane. Most scientologists are not evil, they are pityful.

Fuck, I sure get off-topic and long winded lately. Maybe I do need to break out the alpraz.