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[–]Jesus[S] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hey, at least not everyone is believing all this nonsense. Twitter posts:

1- NO DIRT on the WHITE bottoms of that kids shoes, for having supposedly traveled from Guatemala. 2- They are supposed to have come from Guatemala with absolutely nothing but the clothes they're wearing.. NOTHING? 3- Why are they wearing pants and sweaters in July?

the only time our 5 year old's shoes are this clean, is the first 10 minutes outside

Totally staged.

Are we supposed to believe that they have been walking around in the desert? With clean clothes and newer shoes than mine? Totally staged photo. Nothing more than Democrat propaganda. [It is republican propaganda too, Trump voters justt don't get it, yet, niether do those who resent Trump and the big, bad wall that he'll never build because it was all about retoric division.]

The real shady part: the headline technically didn't lie because that's indeed a Mexican soldier, but because they used the image in the context of someone being blocked entry to the states, they'd cause naive skimmers to connect said soldier's nationality to an American.

They do it on purpose, the damage is done the first time, then they retract for those that actually cared to read it a second. Either way they win. Facts don’t matter.

Trump says it is a crisis, Democrats say it's not a crisis but we need to give them rights, Trump says, no. But lets more people enter in the US than deporter in chief Obama ever did. Do you see the PSYOp they're playing.