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[–]zyxzevn 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

It is very common for people to believe that 9/11 was purely a terrorist attack. That is because it is hard to believe that some people could be so evil that they planned this all. It is easier to believe in crazy people in a desert.

That is until you you look deeper.

How many trillions of dollars did they get out of this?

Direct evidence of demolition or criminal acts:
1) The 3 towers fell free-fall speed. Which impossible without some demolition, if you know physics. Additionally the destruction had enough energy to dustify a lot of material and expel large fragments sideways.
2) The destruction covered up trillions of money and billions of illegal trades. It also killed the people that knew about the frauds. And even gold was likely stolen.
3) There were traces of thermite found in the dust, including vaporized steel (small spheres of iron) and molten Molybdenum.
4) The corrosive power of the dust was so large that it damaged cars, some surrounding buildings, and let the pile burning weeks afterwards under water.
5) The IDs of the remains of the crashed planes do NOT correspond with the IDs of the planes that were suspect. Instead they are IDs of military versions. Which happened to fly at the same time. 6) The heat was so extreme and explosions so large that fire-men could only be identified with DNA of remains (some was on other buildings). No passengers were found. 7) Transponders were switched off and switched on again, outside normal radar-range. This happened while military planes were at the same location. Almost everything is fishy with the planes. 8) Hijacking "exercises" were active at the same time, and military were active (even flying around), but all air-defence was down. 9) No plane fell in an empty hole, but was reported as such.

Extremely suspect and criminal behaviour
1) The owners of targeted departments had a company that produced micro-thermite.
2) The administration of the pentagon and of the CIA were both targetted, and "lost" trace of a lot of money. 3) Dancing israelis who were there before it happened and filmed the crashes. Their van had 2 towers and plane painted on them. And israeli art-group with fuse-cables. Mossad likely implicated. They are so in the open, that I believe, that it is also a distraction. 4) A lot of people with foreknowledge. One even appeared on a live TV show to "explain" what happened. 5) Completely intact passports of alleged hijackers were "found". Some of the alleged hijackers were still alive. 6) A lot of evidence was immediately destroyed. Flight-control information, destroyed material of buildings, etc.
7) Pentagon had no air-defence.. and no security cameras... 8) Many groups of people were working that year on the towers. They had time enough to prepare the demolition. But none of these groups can be traced back exactly.
9) The commission was controlled and led by implicated people. No investigation took place.
10) Important people in the government were likely involved, their companies were likely involved. And many in power made completely wrong decisions. Specialists were send away. 11) Laws were accepted and wars were started, which were all planned years before.

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

12 One or more of the hijackers were found to be living within 100 yards of a Mossad agent in Florida the summer before the attack.

[–]Jesus[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

3) Dancing israelis who were there before it happened and filmed the crashes. Their van had 2 towers and plane painted on them. And israeli art-group with fuse-cables. Mossad likely implicated. They are so in the open, that I believe, that it is also a distraction.

Yes, there's an aspect of fakery or limited hangout with the dancing Israeli narrative. Though, media personal and reporters mentioned these dancing Israelis on live TV, such as on the David Letterman Show but unintentionally or intentionally said they were dancing Muslims, dancing Palestinians, etc., once the story got out that they were Israeli all talk about them siezed.

Hiding in plain sight is the best way to cover your tracks and conduct business as usual, and Mossad and Austrian Intel are great at doing this! As are they great at pretending to be Palestinians, Mossad has been caught playing the role of HAMAS many times. German intelligence and Italian intelligence directors mentioned this for many years. That, Mossad can create psyops and disinformation campaign or conduct false flags, acting as their opposition.

I think the art students was a cover for the real riggers. Meaning they never rigged the towers per say, they merely surveilled and were a cover for the experts. These art students are nihilists though and disgusting freaks who seem not to care about human life judging by their work.

I understand many didn't even produce art but E-Team, Geletin and the B-Thing did. The E-Teams art work despite them getting full security clearence into the towers as foreigners was horrid. Many depictions of death, rape, pedestry culture out right bizzare occult, blood sacrafice crap. They also deleted their site but there's one video showing their past work and some members "do not believe they are human." One of the members even looks like George Bush. I kid you not. Like exactly. A cousin, maybe? Not sure but the resemblance is odd to say the least. They created an art project in the middle of the Nevada desert and created a fake airport. They also did this art project on NYC skyscrapers and them turning into dust, but it was small scale.

Seriously. If you want to find out who are the frontman or at the least the cover for these mass false flag killings they are almost always people without jobs, who go around the country spreading a filthy nihilist pedophile art culture. It's another world once you look into it. I don't think they are the orchestraters but rather the cover, I mean who is going to want to cover for the mass killings of thousands? No normal person would.

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Awesome comment. It also was a trillion dollar insurance fraud scam. They had planned the one world trade center building in the place of the asbestos stricken towers well before the demolition. To take down the towers piece by piece, or at the least remove the asbestos would cost billions. Terrorist attack not only is a perfect cover but a great way to get the money needed to create one world tower. Silverstein was, indeed, involved, as was Benjaim Netanyahu, who called Silverstein every sunday afternoon. There's also a video now deleted off the face of the internet showing Rumsfeld the day before 9/11 say he would never attack his own Pentagon, he then suggests people read a pearl harbor book. Funny, Rumsfeld was a co-signer of PNACS Rebuilding America's Defenses Document that called for, "absent some catalyzing event, like a new pearl harbor." Those words exactly! It's so obvios this was a neoconservative, dual-Israeli orchestration. A mossad front company even tried to obtain contracts for WTC security 15 years before but were denied after port authority found out that the owner murdered two detained Palestinians.

Also, the film Cheney funded primarily by a Zionist who gives millions to Israel's defense industry as well as the Brad Pitt foundation, another crypto-Zionist who is great friends with the Israeli producer who stole nuclear triggers and who created the Madusa effect, Fight Club and the Lone Gunman ALL depicting planes hitting skyscrapers, skyscraper demolitions; the latter, "lone Gunman" showing passenger jets hitting the twin towers to start wars and showing how they'd do it through ptec. They like to rub it in our faces before they do something.

Also, that shitty Cheney film in one scene said Israel did not want to start a war and go into Iraq because it would destabilizae the region. LOL. Benjamin Netanyahu the day of blamed it on Iraq and called for war. Hollywood is straight up propaganda.