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[–]Antarchomachus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Honestly, its great just to have a conversation with someone who doesn't either fully agree with me, or think I am a monster, lol. It's honestly the hyper-politicization media coverage that has me screaming bloody fascism with all the Trumpers, and I forget that when I resort to the same sort of inflexibility and 'othering' that I am no different than what I am protesting about.

Between Bernie supporters, my 'vaccine hesitation' was purely based on skepticism that Big Pharma was accurately representing the safety and efficacy of their drug. I think that got lost in my anger when I didn't find much ideological support from the left. I think you are right that the vaccines have likely saved lives, however I they also appear less safe and effective than originally advertised, and that is a little concerning to me when we are firing people for not doing something. Perhaps it would be better to object to where the bar is, not that it exists, you've certainly given me something to think about.

This is my first day on saidit, and happy to have a quality interaction already. Looking forward to future discussions.