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[–]BravoVictor 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This isn't specific to Vietnam, and has nothing to do with communism. It's just how government controls people through various forms of soft-power.

The US does the same thing, just through cable news, large media outlets like the New York Times, and recently through heavy censorship of tech platforms. If someone disagrees with Democrat policy, they're removed from Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Youtube, Blogspot and other big opinion shaping sites.

Specific political campaigns have explicitly paid Internet users to push propaganda, like Hillary Clinton's famous Correct the Record SuperPAC.

How often did you hear media outlets assure us all that Trump had colluded with Russia to hack the 2016 election? They pushed that lie every day for over two years. And when an official government investigation found no evidence, most quietly dropped it, but some still push the lie anyways.

Meanwhile, Biden's son was caught actively accepting money from foreign governments and companies, with some being set aside for "the Big guy", and the story gets buried as "probably fake news". Because all the emails, and video, eyewitness testimony, Ukrainian court transcripts, and even Hunter Biden's own laptop must all be forgeries, right? Anything that contradicts Democrats can't possibly be true...

This is just how war is waged in the post-nuclear era.

Blowing up shit is expensive. Brainwashing people through mass media manipulation is not.