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[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Joseph Blau's Jews in the Unted States - a Documentary History.

Read it. Jackson through Taney and Levi Woodbury made Rothschild the fiscal agent of the US corp to Europe. He was a goldite too, like Rothschild, whose photo is hung in one of Rothschilds former homes turned into a museum.

Secondly, I'm ignorant to what? The fact that their was a war between many banking families with their own agents in the US, who fomented a war?

Jackson despised Barring and Co., and letters prove that the Rothshilds turned to Taney and Woodbury asking them to close down any bussiness the US corp had with Barring and Co., they did, and Taney prasies the Rothschilds as does Woodbury, exclaiming that they would do anything they asked. This correspondence through Rothschilds US agents, Baltimore Bank which Jackson had many connections, I. F. Phillips and Cohen and Co., among others made Rothschild the fiscal agent of the US corp to Europe. Only those Jackson appointed could have done this and those who opposed this switch of banks were fired by Jackson.

Now we see why Trumo and Jones love Jackson so much. Sure he wasn't the devil but he also wasn't a saint fighting the bankers like many grifters claim.