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[–]Jesus[S] 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not blaming Jews!!!

Stop using Ad Hominems.

Are you Jewish? You do realize my next door neighboor is Jewish and isn't part of some conspiracy. He might even call out those neocons and revisionist Zionist Likudniks who did 9/11, who knows.

But I have seen a small percentage, very small, of Jews who will attack others for calling out revisionist Zionism and the Neocon doctrine. They truly believe the founders of modern terrorism are their saviors. They have poor taste in morals. Luckily, most Jews can see through those conniving Jews who give the diaspora a bad name. I could say the same about Christian Zionism.

Likewise, Chomsky, unfortunately, is one of those, who has too much pride in his Jewish heritage to call out those behind 9/11. In fact, he has even shilled for some of the Zionists who participated in the terror.

What will it take for the progressive Zionists, mostly barren of religiosity to expose the Likudniks role in 9/11.

I'm sure the poor peasant Jews back in Russia 150 years ago did not even know or care what Zionism was.