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/s/InfoGalactic: - a free uncensored wiki project

is a free uncensored wiki project, as a deep-linked mirrored Wikipedia fork of customized articles, new content, and original wiki-based sub-projects.

18,419 subscribers18,420 subscribers18,422 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/MovieNight: Watch and enjoy your favorite movies with your favorite saidheads!

A get together of chums, pals, buddies, amigos, and borderline acquaintances all enjoying our favorite movies! Every Friday at 8pm (ET) I or some other trusted companion will be streaming a movie of our choice (based on community suggestions) for all to see. Don't be shy; movie night is a sort of virtual oasis for all the different flavors of people! For just a few hours I hope to provide a place where we can all just sit back and share the joys of cinema!

15,382 subscribers15,383 subscribers15,385 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/BlackGirlDiaries: Black Women Unfiltered

An unfiltered community where black women speak freely on our struggles in life, dating, relationships and friendships over tea.

66 subscribers67 subscribers69 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/RadicalFeministForum: An Open Forum Where Radical Feminists Can Speak Freely About Female Issues

A radical feminist sub where radical feminists can discuss female issues, promote radical feminist ideologies, and talk about the patriarchy, sexism, and gender politics. With a specific focus on creating high-quality posts, sharing valuable resources, and promoting recognition of female labor.

The Mod Herself:

Will be personally focusing on promoting the narratives of awesome, interesting, and badass unknown women and offering resources to encourage others to do the same.

49 subscribers50 subscribers52 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/ObscureMedia: Films, shorts, music and whatnot.

A relaxed place to share and discuss lesser known media: silent films, vintage exploitation flicks, finely aged TV, PSAs and other oddities.

40 subscribers41 subscribers43 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/didit: didit

Instead of posting things to talk about, everything here should be oriented towards doing things. Post things you have completed that others can use to do things themselves. Post "I've completed steps X and Y of project Z and am looking for advice about aspect A of the next step." Here, only post things when you didit.

31 subscribers32 subscribers34 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/Artificial_Intelligen: Artificial_Intelligen - Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

Intelligence demonstrated by machines.

30 subscribers31 subscribers33 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/whitebeauty: White Beauty

It's okay to be white.

30 subscribers31 subscribers33 subscribers, a community for 3 years