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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

In 2015 when I started delving into all conspiracy theories I took a hard look at the Moon Landing.

All of the documentaries I saw were shit. All of them. Their arguments were poor, the filmmaking was poor, everything was generally poor, but there were nuggets of legit questions mixed in. That guy who accused all the astronauts had a video that was okay but certainly not great.

During this "exploration" I went from 50/50 to 80% sure it was faked and back to 50/50 for the landing but 95% sure the images were faked. And as an armchair amateur I know nothing about radiation regarding human endurance so I simply don't count that part or its pro and con arguments that seem to require legit knowledge or deep trust in the sources arguing about it.

The last year two things came from nowhere to push me much farther into the hoax camp. I forget one source talking about the geopolitical ramifications, how every war/event is a scam, etc etc etc and only touched briefly on the Moon Landing before continuing. While I knew the space race was a game, I'd never really tilted it that far and much of it lined up.

The second was a TruthStream Media video about how they lost the video, the flight log, and the craft blueprints, etc. I was like WTF! Nail in the coffin. -ish.

Conservatively I feel 90% confident it was all staged. But everything I see is now through a biased lens. I try to remain neutral, as with the extra looking for all those links above to make sure I don't make an absolute ass of myself. None of those images are convincing and look like a 2 year old could have photoshopped it.

All that's left is some irrefutable evidence or an admission of guilt. I expect neither soon.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The TruthStream Media video I mentioned...

"The Two Most Hilarious Things NASA Has Ever Said" (2017-08-03) :

Another one I hadn't seen until now, but topical...

"Just One More Reason Why People Don't Trust NASA" (2015-09-24) :

And they have a new tremendous documentary well worth seeing...

"The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes" :

There are a lot of good, bad, and ugly sources out there.

James Corbett is one of the oldest and most reliable YouTube truther, but often terribly technical and dry and/or long in his deep deconstructions, analysis, and contexualization.

Only a few stand out to me as being perpetually interesting with good to great fimmaking craftsmanship on the Truther front on YouTube...

TruthStream Media :

ReallyGraceful :

Jay Myers Documentaries :

The Corbett Report :

The Corbett Report Extras :

There are a lot of reasons to distrust a lot of sources online. IMHO, all these folks have earned my trust and I think they are as close to 100% legit and without bias as possible, until proven otherwise, though I will remain skeptical and open to all criticisms.