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[–]UncleJemima 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Brits missed an opportunity:

Yanks yank Jordan Peterson's interview with "Democrat" RFK Jr. where presidential hopeful said chemicals in water are turning kids trans

And RFK Jr could discuss the horrific impact of chemicals in the water on fish, wildlife and people, but no, he has to go full retard on the trans claim. Really dumb; inexplicable, as well.

[–]Matterofprinciple 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

he has to go full retard on the trans claim

That's exactly one of the many things atrazine does, you sniveling idiot fuck. You think you get social credit points for making every day opposite day of anything Alex Jones has said, ever?

How about you pause and consider not already making this place worse than reddit with your mewling little projections?

[–]UncleJemima 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Why so hostile? Perhaps you know you're an imbecile, so you have to insult others in order to feel better about your own failures? Did you know that there are several dangerous pesticides? Are you familar with the cancer-causing potential of atrazine? What are the chances that you'll get maximum contaminant level of 3 ppb of atrazine during your lifetime? Has atrazine already reduced your testicles and sperm count? Did you grow ovaries? Should we also be concerned with the pesticides that have killed bees? Should we focus primarily on unproven notions that atrazine has encouraged men to transition to women? Is there any evidence of that? Are you one of them? Should we instead look at pesticides in general and discuss the NUMEROUS dangers caused by them, rather than focus on trans people? Is RFK Jr's candidacy helped by Peterson and Rogan focusing on these idiotic issues at a time when RFK Jr needs to demonstrate his electability? Which percentage of the electorate care about anti-vax misinformation and trans people? 5%? 10%? What is extremely important in RFK Jr's campaign? The way he addresses corporate abuses? Are we focused on that? Should we instead be preoccupied with penises and vaginas? Why is your acount 40 minutes old? Are you a coward who made a 2nd account in order to insult me? Don't respond to me with answers to these questions. I can see already that you've lost your tiny mind, having written this:

Trump is the only person the US could have been locked down under while running interference for Fauci at the height of his crimes.

He is the best candidate available (which says absolutely nothing) simply because if he fucks up too hard we can set precedent for war crimes/ crimes against humanity then bring down members of the Cathedral.

I do think RFK jr and Trump should run together.

Certainly, you are most welcome to be as stupid as you wish on Saidit. I too enjoy being stupid. But really do try to speak with or write to normal people about your political views. Your comments indicate that you have serious mental difficulties.

[–]Matterofprinciple 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Read up to "imbecile".

I'm not hostile. I am vocally correcting you for being a milquetoast useless piece of shit not worth the pixels you post upon. Speak your mind in public and witness what happens to your frail idiot self, who has zero character or morality. I promise you will warrant the hardest lesson anyone has ever experienced, you anonymous, mewling and sad piece of shit.

Stakes are high, boy. Either gain some semblance of character, honesty or dignity or proceed to shut the fuck up and stop diluting a potentially useful means of communication.

Go beat your sad little dick, gain that post nut clarity about how worthless you are and proceed to shut the fuck up.