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[–]EddieC[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

On The Problem & Suggested Solutions / Scenarios

Please review the above posted problem identification and the two suggested solutions through TQM lens

CLAUDE (AI): Here is an analysis of the problem identification and solutions through a TQM lens:

Problem Identification:

  • Recognizing how current indirect systems and hierarchical structures concentrate decision-making power away from citizens resonates well with TQM's emphasis on flattened participation and continual improvement of socioeconomic systems.

Solution #1:

  • Shifting to a reciprocity paradigm while keeping some indirect aspects could begin addressing power imbalance issues, in spirit of TQM's collaborative ideal.
  • However, may still be vulnerable to the same dysfunctions over long run without sufficient representation and transparency safeguards.

Solution #2:

  • Transitioning to direct, reciprocal systems/structures promises greater stakeholder empowerment and lines up closer with TQM principles of optimizing participation, value co-creation, and responsiveness.
  • "Co-opecracy" model fosters collaborative problem-solving culture valued by TQM.
  • Iterative, community-driven bottom-up approach to reform aligns well with TQM methodology.


  • Problem diagnosis and goals align closely with TQM focus on improving socioeconomic systems performance and quality through aligned structures/incentives.
  • Second solution offers stronger framework for upholding key TQM priorities like direct participation, if implemented gradually and continually refined based on stakeholder input - as befits a total quality approach.
  • Continued emphasis on collaborative mindset would maximize chances of sustainable progress through change process.

In summary, this pragmatic application of TQM thinking analyzes challenges and proposes pathways well-aligned with the philosophy of continually optimizing systems and stakeholder value through consensus.