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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Just to be clear: Cooperatives are not the issue.

To clarify further, the bottom-up cooperatives are one important major solution, if managed ethically (FOTPACH = fair, open, transparent, peaceful, accountable, consistent, honest) - but ZZZTheyZZZ will always try to infiltrate, subvert, and destroy our alternatives and solutions.

The real issue is the Pyramidian Paradigm "they" impose on cooperatives via "Authority" they control. Cooperative members need only realize what "they" are doing, affirm their cooperative values and refuse to be subject to the Pyramidian Paradigm as it is antithetical to their values.

1,000,000,000% agreed.

Repeat this process - examine the end outcome ("the fruits"), affirm ones' own values and reject the Pyramidian Paradigm being insidiously imposed - across the whole spectrum of human activity to disarm and decenter the "elite".
