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[–]ManWithABanana 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

On Monday, Reddit — a site that for years was considered one of the internet’s dirtiest sludge pits — barred more than 2,000 communities

Oh brother. Fair and balanced report NYT, nicely done /s.

Even worse, they're making me defend Reddit.

Your general counsel said on Monday that there’s a place for President Trump on Reddit. But given how the president has been testing the limits and rules of all the platforms that he’s on, and creating all these headaches for their leaders, do you really want Mr. Trump on Reddit?

Look, nobody wants to be in an echo chamber, right? It’s boring and unhelpful to read a one-sided view of any issue. So we welcome political views across the spectrum. I think Trump’s rhetoric and campaign style is deliberately antagonistic, and that makes it easy to run afoul of our policies. But we have many conservatives on Reddit, and we have Trump supporters on Reddit who are perfectly capable of staying within our rules. And we hope that continues to be the case going forward.

Those are the right words. Actions speak louder than words however.

[–]itsoktobewhite 9 insightful - 3 fun9 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Look, nobody wants to be in an echo chamber, right?


So we welcome political views across the spectrum.


But we have many conservatives on Reddit, and we have Trump supporters on Reddit who are perfectly capable of staying within our rules.

bullshit his 'powermod' lackeys ban constantly for no reason

And we hope that continues to be the case going forward.

no he doesn't