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[–]HeyImSancho 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My jury is still out on everyone (grin). I don't accept, or deny any group, as it seems like every group has a healthy amount of crap to culminate up to the top.

Having that said though, and on the Jewish issue. I know for every issue they appear to singlevhandedly push, usually they're leading the opposition as well.

I can make assumptions based off of this, as can anyone else, but don't. On that note though, I guess the folks in any opposition that claim to be part of the Jews, or any other group(like cops), should be able to put their feet to the fire/test, and give some answers. After all, if they feel the need to be in any 'opposition', but still maintain their outward allegiance with any other group, they are in essence advertising 'we're all like I am'; which can be taken for a 'sell'....selling themselves to promote a different agenda.

The fact is, our world obviously has turmoil, wars, and all that goes along with them like psychological operations. I don't think people really get the depth of how far, and in what shapes this can occur; hell I'm always guessing.

Keep true to you, and yours.