all 9 comments

[–]IkeConn 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

When the sheeple all get sick the ones that are left will be the unvaxxed masses. TPTB won't like that.

[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

When the sheeple all get sick, TPT(SN)B will tell the sheeple it's bacause of the unvaxxed. WE won't like that.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I do think unvaxxed people can catch this sickness from the vaxxed

[–]chadwickofwv 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

While this appears to be true, the unvaxxed still have an immune system to fight it with. The vaxxed have little to none left.

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

Covid gives people AIDs... I think this article needs a critical eye. First part is about the effectiveness of the vaccine decreasing, old news and I think it's included to trick the reader.

So the worry is that whilst Covid-19 immunity may be improved for a couple of months, their general immunity will begin to degrade even faster than it would have done had the booster not been taken

Unfounded speculation.

The 70-79 year olds are also seeing a slow down in apparent degradation due to the boosters improving their Covid response

Then it goes back to the decreasing vaccine effectiveness, as if the speculation had anything to do with the parts it was sandwiched in.

This article is sketchy as fuck.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

This article is sketchy as fuck.

Sorry about that. I should have read it more thoroughly.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Too much Halloween partying?

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Something like that, among other things.

I have several posts to draft up and share about some of the last month's activism.

And I have to start a fucking wiki, ASAP. But I may be getting a few servers first, so - it's all in flux.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Link directly to the report so we can read it for ourselves.