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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

If we're going to go by basic communist ideals, sure. Business owners are "exploiting" their labor since they "don't work" but collect profit from their employees.

Of course reality isn't quite as simple as this. First the idea of "exploitation", yeah that can be a problem,, exploitation happens, but employment isn't exploitative in and of itself. It's a transaction. You feel that you are exploited? Why don't you quit and find another job? Why don't you ask for more money? Oh you think that employment is exploitative by nature? Lol ok, you're fired, you're free! Are you happy? Oh you want money? Well comrade you can make your own money, seize your own means of production!

I'm more sympathetic to communist ideals when it comes to large bureaucratic corporate entities since I do feel they're essentially filling the roll that nobility once held. But even these aren't entirely evil or exploitative they just need to be hemmed in with regulations and anti-monopolial laws.

Also worth noting that when the communist movement was at its peak it was still the industrial revolution and workers protections basically didn't exist.

[–]LyingSpirit472 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Well, that also ties to why the communists seen in OP are not communists, they're anti-work idiots. Small businesses like that, often with the people who own it doing most of the work, are inherently the most communist jobs of all because the owner is the one doing all of the work- and if they do happen to have to employ someone, that person likely has a larger piece of the pie than a person at Walmart would. It's as close to the means of production being seized as you can get. That's the goal you should want.

The "communists" who say these are people who are as bad as the others basically says they view communism as Santa Claus and believe they are the main character who gets to live a life of decadence while the rest of the world toils to support them. Karl Marx would spit on them, and they will be first against the wall before even the people they despise when the revolution they espouse comes.