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[–]Wanderingthehalls 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

What's actually happening? How is this happening? How does this end? What comes next? It's not my area of expertise but I have studied Europe in the 1930s and the evidence of a descent into degeneracy in certain quarters that played a part in the rise of fascism and the horrors that came with that. I'm genuinely becoming very scared of where we have found ourselves and what will come as a result when the backlash comes full force. Both because I'm scared of an over-reaction and also scared because part of me welcomes it, because what's happening now has to fucking stop.

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Furries have been around for probably 50 years at the very least. They are a pre internet phenomenon that was really fringe and basically nobody knew about until the internet allowed random people to stumble across it and it became a meme essentially. This meant basically millennials were the only ones who knew much about it because well, millennials were the only people fucking around online due to boredom and a lack of parental awareness of the fucked up stuff out there, and millennials also knew that other millennials would understand that knowing what a furry is doesn't mean that one is a furry because they also knew you could stumble on this shit, but anyone older than that you couldn't even mention the concept to since boomers love to play "how do you know about that" game where it's guilt by knowledge.

So fast forward a few decades and you've got zoomers that don't understand why you don't talk about weird shit with boomers clueing in the boomers to the weird shit and that makes it's way slowly into popular media as the old fogie network types try at the ever futile dance of courting the youth but not understanding the source material. So yeah the youth are into furry shit? Well sure if you ignore the fact that most everyone thinks is bizzare and creepy except for the furries. So they make shit get lots of praise on Twitter and think they've hit something popular but they've just hit on a very rabid (probably quite literally) segment of the internet.

Will society collapse because of that. Doubt it. Will traditional television networks collapse? Probably. Who the fuck watches television? Old people. What happens when they die? Will young people watch television? I doubt it.

Commercial television as it was I think will go the way of the dodo. Public television will still probably stick around in some form because you do need a broadcast system for things like disaster warnings and other things that are in the public interest.