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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I mean I don't really give a fuck but if I see a Walgreens and a CVS across from each other and one has a pride flag and the other does not, I'll probably just go to the one without a pride flag. I just think it's totally weird that a drug store needs to show overt display of homosexuals. Why is that important? Unless you wear a shirt that says "I'm super gay!" nobody in the drug store knows or gives a fuck about who you have sex with.

To be fair I feel similarly about overt displays of the American flag as well. I'm not particularly bothered by it since it's supposed to at least be a unifying symbol for all Americans, but Americans seem to get a bit funny with them and it's a fine line between national pride and flag worship imho. It surprises me that the so called christian american extremists see no issue with mandatory school prayers towards the flag and other displays of public patriotism that borderline on worship. I wonder if they see the irony of feeling scared at overtly Chinese or Russian or North Korean displays of militant patriotism on the news while actively participate in the same kind of thing themselves.

[–]NastyWetSmear 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I saw this place that sells scented soaps and bath bombs with a rainbow sign on the window that said: "LGBT Welcome". I had two thoughts:

1) Duh... That's, what, 50% of your customers? You get women, gay people and husbands who have done something wrong.
2) What is the implication here? If I go to the scented soap shop across the way they'll demand to know what I like to do with my genitals and kick me out if I say: "Use them on people of the same sex"? Are you insinuating that other stores have a questionnaire on entry and anyone who isn't perfectly straight will be refused service, but your store isn't like that? Are you trying to tell me you're the only scented soap store in town that serves homosexual people willingly?? Others only do it by accident if you're good at hiding the gay that must radiate off you in waves of pink??

It's actually kinda insulting to other stores.