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[–]Vulptexghost fox girl ^w^ 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No, it's definitely most of them. Most people I know irl are conservatives, and they are all acting like this except for me.

3 years ago they were mostly reasonable and just wanted to be left alone and live their lives freely, not censored and have their freedom taken away by crybabies and tyrannical governments, and loved America and its founding values.

Now they're obsessed with silencing viewpoints they don't agree with, they worship vengeance, they don't care about anything but being the victors, they value conformity and want a strong state to enforce it, they want to legislate morality, some of them want to make being gay or trans a crime, they think mental illnesses don't exist, they hate free markets, they think America and freedom are degenerate, they want to go back to strict gender roles where women can't even vote, etc. Another huge difference is they now hate Jesus and the New Testament (except for the pastoral epistles and Revelation, and Romans 1:18-32 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-35), which for a large portion of them used to be central to their lives. They used to be wary of the world and the flesh and "science", now they consider the spiritual evil and demand exclusive attention to worldly matters. They've become exactly what they used to hate.

And of course the leftist media is going to use this to their advantage, because it feeds into their narrative that everyone is a Nazi. Part of me thinks the only reason they're doing this is to get a reaction out of the left. At any rate I now look crazy because I'm literally the only one left who remembers what half of the country used to believe in.

The exact point when this happened almost overnight was when the George Floyd protests turned into a literal great fire. I remember watching them seethe and leave behind all their principles in search of a way to cleanse us from these people. What happened was this incident changed their view of the left to anarchists rather than socialist authoritarians (which is what they really are). And since politics is so reactionary and dominated by anger and hatred and fear, they immediately ran to other side of the fence. "Whatever the left hates most, that's what we should do." And that's fascism, or at least that's what the left claims despite being fascists themselves, and the right was stupid or desperate enough to believe them.