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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't care how people choose to identify themselves. They have that right.

My issues with this are twofold.

  1. Medical transitions being done for profit. We are essentially taking people with mental health issues and telling them "you need expensive cosmetic surgery and lifelong hormone treatments to be happy" this clearly benefits the medical industry. I'm less confident it doesn't exasperate the mental health issue. And currently the vetting system that existed in the past with regards to gender transitions has been largely removed to the point it's become a rubber stamp and people are self medicating with hormones. Long term this is going to create more problems. We are essentially using a whole generation of kids as a medical experiment now, they'll have to live the rest of their lives with the consequences of that. They're also impressionable so how much is self identification and how much is due to adult influence is questionable.

  2. Forcing me to accept them.

I'm fine with someone who wants to call themselves a bunch of weird made up pronouns, so long as they are fine with me thinking that's stupid and refusing to participate. If someone I know identifies as trans and I think, maybe this person isn't actually trans but is just gay and in denial because they don't want to upset their parents, I can't actually say that without risking job and reputation. Largely due to mob mentalities that will leave you the target of online harassment which can spill over into real life.

The problem here is that I'm expected to call people "they/them" or "it" or some other made up fantasy pronoun they've just invented and I refuse to do so because I believe it to be demeaning and dehumanizing to call someone "it". But my beliefs in the matter are completely disregarded and I am "forced" to engage in something that I feel is morally wrong.

There is also clearly a double standard in place, as these people will claim they respect "all" pronouns. But if I refuse to list preferred pronouns they get mad. If I right my preferred pronouns as "your majesty" or "Stu/pid" they get mad, and refuse to use what I say are my preferred pronouns simply because they've decided mine are not valid. But I can't go ahead and decide not to use theirs. It's a double standard.

My preferred pronouns are "nigger" and "retard". Because I believe these words best describe my spiritual awakening. Refusing to use them is deeply offensive to me. Racist, and ablist as well.

With this situation frankly, and I'm sure it's contributing to the problem, I simply decide that anyone listing their pronouns or holding any kind of non-binary gender identity or whatever is too dangerous socially to have any kind of relationship with. And that is problematic as I know I'm not the only person who feels this way and it will lead to these kinds of people becoming even more socially isolated into their own echo chambers which will breed even more crazy going forward.