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[–]YJaewedwqewq 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Again you avoid the argument and misrepresent both my position and your own.

You claim to be for "rights and freedom" but fail to codify what those freedoms and rights are, what they mean, and why they even matter.

You're not very different from TRAs or their ilk, really, you throw out insults and buzzwords and claim that your harmful agenda is actually just "basic rights and freedoms like The Founders™ intended!"

[–][deleted] 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm avoiding nothing. My stance is clear: If you're not hurting others, you should be left to do as you please, which includes (among other things, such as the infamous "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," the right to speak freely, to be free of undue government interference or intrusion into your life, etc.) the right to bugger or be buggered by any consenting adult that will engage with you, if indeed you desire buggery.

You seem to be taking the stance that certain activities are inherently harmful, even if they harm no one, because they somehow lead to other nebulous harms down the road, that any of these activities that you class as part of this slippery slope should be banned by nebulous means, and stopped by means of nebulous methods, which you seem to imply that anyone who disagrees with you deserves these same nebulous punishments that you just don't want to say, but are willing to suggest might include methods practiced by certain Middle Eastern theocracies.

You refuse to pin down your ideas, preferring your opponents be left guessing as to your meaning, while accusing those you disagree with of refusing to say what they mean and engaging in euphemism (what the Right calls "buzzwords" and the Left terms as "dogwhistles") while engaging in a sort of Motte and Bailey strategy straight out of the Leftist playbook where you say little of any meaning, then deny that you said what little you actually did say when called out on it.

You demand a complete, itemized list of what others believe, accusing them of being vague if they dare summarize for the sake of brevity, while intentionally being vague and accusing others of misrepresenting you when they infer any meaning whatsoever from your words.

You say my "agenda" is harmful, but you don't care to say how, and if I had to guess, that's because you don't intend to sway me to your way of thinking, preferring a strategy of gathering others who already agree with you, seeming to prefer the Leftist idea of classifying people into groups, then pitting those groups against each other.