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[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Oh I'm sure we're not talking genocide here. Well, I guess it depends on which ugly man in a dress you talk to I suppose.

I'm just exhibiting how women are the key. They are the target and always have been. They are just acting out based upon the misinformation they have been fed through the hardened eyes they got through feminism.

Have you dated anytime in the last ten years? Finding a woman who is not a militant feminist is astoundingly difficult. And usually they only realise too late that they are undate-able, or the men they are actually with are not what they want, usually unmasculine milquetoasts with no identity unless it's approved by her. And they will still double-down on the feminism.

All of these causal effects are coming about right now. The women are the key. They always have been. Now they have come for the women and the men cannot help.

Do you want proof? It's simple: "Shut up, Karen!"

[–]Newzok 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh I notice as well. Shit's unhinged but opinions are entirely surface level, which you notice if you try to go in-depth. The trouble is, I think, that women know that the radfem/woke rhetoric is kind of just for show, a way to fit in, opinion as jewelry. But men do not realise this and take their word for it. And then you get endless drama.