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[–]BioEssentialism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They jest, but transracialism is an actual thing in Judaism. Converts to Judaism are treated as not converts to the religion itself but also the actual ethnicity as well, they are said to have been “reborn” into the Jewish race and as you might imagine this entails all the full legal, citizenry benefits of Israel despite the former being a firmly established ethnostate.

You know what the kicker is? Transracialism into Judaism is an accepted and celebrated part of Orthodox Judaism (To the point where they even have similar “trigger” rules about it being forbidden to remind a convert of their past and “deadnaming”) but they absolutely forbid transgenderism under any circumstances.

It really says something that even the world’s oldest Monotheistic religion considers fucking transracialism as more valid than troonery, lmao!

Guess race/ethnicity is still more of a social construct than gender/biological sex will ever be?