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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They'd only become a true problem if they somehow rallied around a singular coherent stance and religious dogma, I don't think that is a realistic outcome, people point out Trump as a potential contender of the kind of person who could manage that but if we look at the Christian nationalist attitudes towards Trump we see he was largely reviled by them before he won the nomination and it was only after that the Republican machine was able to repaint Trump as a god fearing christian rather than a pussy grabbing gay supporting money lover that he got any support from them. And we see now that even Trump's base will absolutely boo him if he says anything like "go get a vaccine" or whatever.

Point is he is powerless to control them. I can't think of anyone who is. The only way you can manipulate them to back you is if you've got a clear opponent you can keep their attention on. Once a dominionist or dominionist backed candidate in office they are powerless to enact any kind of lasting change. They cannot compromise on any issues when they've got the divine charge of their base or else they will lose that financial support. If they don't compromise they can't get anything done in terms of legislation and will likely get destroyed in subsequent elections.

The only real way I think this kind of no compromise Christian nationalism could actually enact their platform fully would be if they somehow work out their own internal differences, which frankly I think is impossible due to not having a common doctrinal dogma, you think Mormons Catholics and Baptists will trust each other with political power? Ha.

Second is they'd need to get a voting majority in the US. They're like maybe 10, 15 percent of the total population at very loose estimates. Maybe they are about 30% of Republican voters (but probably 50% of funding). They are forced to work with more moderate republicans to gain office, and they won't compromise so they can't do that.

Their threat is greatly overstated. Their rhetoric is strong but it's like a Schizophrenic Chihuahua trying to fight a Horse. It will make a lot of noise and be super annoying but it's going to get kicked if it starts to bite, or it will start chasing its own tail and become incapable of doing anything.