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[–]FlyingKangaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It’s interesting. I hope this comparison helped you; it’s good you got to talk about it without being shamed for your views.

Yes, I did; in fact these were two closest friends I had at that time. Funnily, they cut contact with me almost for no reason at all - just stopping all contact one day and only messaging me back when I was worried they’re not active anymore in spaces where we chatted (they also happen to live in same city but I luckily I don’t meet them anymore). Out of the blue, they decided not to hang out anymore with me because apparently to them I was a prude and a bigot, even though I never did anything against them. When it happened I was sad over such bizarre happenings but later I realized it was actually better to me to lose contact with them. I go on very well.

I also knew some other people who became woke and lost contact with them too, but out ends of contact weren’t as dramatic as that; just fading out because everyone went their own way. In one case I had some quarrel with a girl who became a trans man (only knew her online due to shared hobby). And it was she that began the quarrel - just because she learned I talked to our other friend who was disappointed because the girl-trans man treated her badly (nothing to do with woke stuff, it was before her coming out). The trans-to-be one was angry at me for daring to criticize her in a conversation she didn’t even participate in. Acted quite angry and childish. We resolved this somehow but more time later our friendship naturally loosened and after even a longer time I saw she suddenly calls herself a man.

I agree with you a lot. At some point you got to see they were never as good friends as you thought before. I don’t even need to recall the times when everything was good and they weren’t infected by wholeness yet - it just doesn’t matter anymore as I have other things to enjoy in life.