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[–]ArkansasJack_Ass 5 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 4 fun -  (12 children)

What year are you typing this from?

[–]IamRedBeard 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (11 children)

Oh. Wait. Did FOX snewz not tell you? They leave out a lot of things. I mean, they leave out a LOT of things, but you would never know.

Here, let me help:

You. Are. Welcome.

[–]HeyImSancho 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (10 children)

I've actually followed, or delved into a little of what you write, and you contradict yourself quite a bit.

You proclaim to be about freedom, and hate corporations, yet at the same time, cheer on the giant Alphabet, as well as cheer on subjugation of others views....

I thought about what you've written quite a bit, and noticed you like to throw out the term bigot; yet I looked that up, and you match the definition to a T; interesting.

I guess there's no middle ground in your worldly view, or am I wrong?

[–]IamRedBeard 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (9 children)

cheer on subjugation of others views You mean I get a big ol' freedom hard on every time one of you bigots with anti gay anti race bigoted views loses a platform? Oh you bet your ass I do.

Now - if they actually tried to change the the first amendment to not allow Bigotry and racism, gay bashing - whatever. Well me and you both would be at the same picket line. But Nobody has to give racist fucks a platform. You can go find or make your own platforms all you like - but NOBODY has to GIVE you a soap box (guess what, that is part of the first amendment too!! Isn't that neat?). Racists seem to think they are the silent Majority in this country and I love to watch them learn THAT JUST AINT TRUE :D.

you like to throw out the term bigot; yet I looked that up, and you match the definition to a T; interesting.

You are Correct: I am bigoted against: Racist Bigots, and Gay Bashing Bigots, and most, but not all Trump supporting Bigots. That is a personal quirk I see no moral reason to rectify at this juncture. I'm just gonna keep hating Racists, and gay Bashers and anti-Semites. So go ahead and put a little mark on your chalkboard cause: Ya GOT me!

Can I come to a middle? Yes. My Step father is a lovely man and a Conservative. We come to middle grounds in our infrequent debates. My Step brother as well. Although it might get a bit more heated - at least we can agree to disagree.

(sometimes I say "You" as a generalization as pertaining to the conversation, I dont know your personal views, Im just trying to answer your questions here)

Having said that, you know its hard to find a middle ground with some of you Trump Fanatics. Some openly defend racist antisemitic views, and I feel that when you can stand there and say "I'm Evil and proud of it" - That is a statement of 'No Quarter' and you pretty much tell me you have no morals and declare open season on yourself.

So if you want to Gay bash, Race Bash, Jew bash, I'm going to fight for your right to do it... In your own quiet little echo chambers away from the Decent folk of society. You shouldn't be arrested for it, you should still be able to make your little awful publications... In the dark, behind closed doors afraid like the little roaches you are. You can have your own little personal Taliban's away from good folk.

The world needs to move on from racist bullshit. Shooting up churches to start race wars needs to stop.

[–]HeyImSancho 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

I note you 'quote' your own words from the start, which make them look like mine. For now, I'll guess that was an accident.

Overall, I like you're dedication to at least fight; bravo. But, fight who, I note, as so do you, that you paint broad 'groupings'; in that, 'if you disagree, then you're one of those'. Am I wrong, if not, then I've got to fully disagree with you.

As far as echo chambers, I can turn on my MSM right now, and they'll echo exactly what you say, and have a million people following suit; at least by way of the TV. And I just don't buy it.

I've got my own opinions on most fronts, and am not accepted by the right, or left. My ideas are too extreme for acceptance in either I guess; yet, I see your posts, and think. When reading them, I see you own up to being a bigot(I learned a bigot, is a bigot, and bad); yet you claim some sort of superiority in the line of bigotry; I just find it odd.

What comes to mind overall, and I mean no offense, is almost the classical 'homophobe', where by you hate, what you hold dear at heart; just changing the flavor so as to not be noticed. Not saying you are, I don't know you, but it's what comes to mind.

Bah, at times I think a 'get to know you' post would be good, but then again, you, and I both know that would be used against said party. What I can relay to you are my views. Here goes.

I hate no one. A Helping Hand has no orientation, color, or religious preference; I mean a helping hand at the moment of death; we all would reach, and whomever grabs, would be the saving hand.

Aside from that though, yes, I'm biased by life, as all people are; anyone who states they're not, are lying to everyone, and themselves. My biases are only in regards to my moment of life, or survival, however you want to look at it.

Overall, I believe in a live, and let live strategy; do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

RESPECT, universal respect is huge on my list. Not so much looking for a friend, but negating a new enemy. I've noted black, white, brown, asian people I've known can hold these values; my verdict is out on the Jews, as I'm not sure. The reason I'm not sure, is I've got some Jew, yet, at the same time, Jews are some of the most racist people I've met, and often times due to not being 'full', or exactly white, seemingly treat me with less. You seem to be verbose with your opinions, how do you feel about how Israel treats the Palestinians, or the fact that all none Jews are called Goyem?

I guess I've said as much as I want for now, but as far as 'quarter', meaning as in shelter for others, or myself, I would always have a keen, savvy, and aware open door, yet, am ready for the not so good, and necessary actions for those I care about, and myself.

[–]IamRedBeard 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

You know... Sometimes I come into these debates and I am just used to people not arguing in good faith. It's not you. I dont know you.

I know a kid shot up a church to start a race war. I know a man long ago killed a who bunch of Jews, and yet I have had the honor and privilege of sitting at a table during Passover. The world wants to hold homosexuals to account because they think it is a lifestyle and a choice and they call it immoral. I had a gay couple introduce me to a beautiful girl I dated for almost 3 years. And dont even get me started on my time living in the south. Who'd of thought I'd miss Kudzu?

I see a lot of things - a lot of injustice right now. And I'm not happy about it. And I want it to get better.

For all of us.

That's how I feel.

I see what they call liberals on FOX and how unpatriotic we are, Hate America - Communist.

Because I want our grandparents and kids to have affordable healthcare I'm communist. Because I want the money I paid into with Social Security - I'm a communist. Because I call out that this is no longer a capitalist country but a corporatist country Im a communist.

So no. I dont come into many of these talks pulling punches. I have always liked a good fight.

So are you always seeing the real me here? Of course not. I have no Idea if I'm seeing the real you.

I tell you HaWhat. We get FOX and CNN off the air for six months I bet all this bickering will cut down quite a bit.

But thats it. I got up at five yesterday morning and Ill be up at five today. I'm out.

[–]HeyImSancho 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

There we go, closer to the real you!

For clarity, my response is topic by topic more, or less of what you wrote.

Let me address the 'arguing in good faith first'. I'm somewhat committed to my world view, at least for myself, and my bit of 'fuckoffland'(owned land). As far as my neighbors, as I've talked with my significant other, as long as they can stay to themselves, and not bother me, then I'll do the same; perhaps they'll look out for me, and my place, and I'll do the same.... color, orientation, or other need not apply for this job description. Having that said, yes, I agree I argue with left, and right alike often, and find their talking points are that of the establishment....... I could've just as easily just watched the news, or listened to an approved authority figure for better insight.

As far as race wars, and Hitler, I'd rather be doing something productive instead of worrying about who's more pure. Having that said, I find it odd that the Swastika due to Hitler is off limits to Western civilization, and whites; yet the Buddhists, and all of Southeast Asia, and differing Jewish books still use it. So odd!!! I actually like the symbol, yet the other night found myself literally hating, and researching(something I do with everyone) someone on youtube who openly displayed it. Of course, it was in a subject matter I liked, and noted his openly 'friendly' discourse; yet saw it, and felt as though this would be someone to be weary of in person; I just felt sad since as far as I know, it's the world's oldest 'sign'.

As far as homosexuals, I don't care which way someone flings their junk; I'm not all about sex anymore. In full disclosure, my brother in law is gay, and I don't speak to him anymore. I cared deeply for him, and my father in law, who were both very into make it big, or break, and break they did often. I bought a house for them to live in, yet my own finances were wearing thin, I let my own home go due to medical needs, and they, both of them, assumed I had let their home go, so quit paying the mortgage in my name....yet I was still paying...

My brother in law, told my wife that I was gay, and his lover at the time agreed. I was friends with both, and had never been around homosexuals; so my interest, was considered as being 'gay-inquisitive' by both. I explained to both that I don't know what they're thinking, but I'm not gay, but have never been around it either. The lover made an advance at one point, and I rejected. Somewhere in my financial trouble, my bro' in law, and father in law quit paying, and then I became the 'homophobe'; per my brother in law; which really hurt as I would've never let their home go.

Other than that, the only experience I had with gay was while in Guatemala. I was offered "Miss Guatemala", in exchange for gay sex with one of her handlers as long as I had a 'six pack'. I didn't of course, and never took it seriously considering my own health issues.

Both experiences were bad. Does that mean I hate gays? No, short of them screaming, 'I'm gay', I wouldn't know them; so by default they're in the group labeled 'all others than self'.

As far as injustices, oh yeah, I agree, the world past, present, and I'm sure future will hold plenty for all! My only remedy for this, is Stoicism..... I'm labeled a hater for encouraging it, yet, fuck them; I know it works.

As far as liberals, yes I see them, and dislike them as the label fits; yet at the same time, I don't fit the conservative paradigm either, and dislike what it offers as well; which means when the time is right, I'll either be the one burned at the stake(which I'm ready for), or I'll be cheering on the poor sap that's taking my place, while facing forward, walking out the back of the mob to run.

As far as healthcare, I've got a very bad life long disease. I look huge, menacing, and in many ways due to what I've encountered in my life, am tough; yet, if you actually touch me, my back, and chest are just about pure skin, and bone. Don't lecture me about alopathic healthcare; it doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can get any drug known to man for pain relief due to what I've got going on, yet I desire none; I desire a cure, and lessor decent treatment. Yet, all they have to offer is bullshit, and a box to be thrown in. The best care I've gotten is from alternative care not covered by medicare. My brother the same! My message for anyone thinking a doctor is there to help you, get over it, do some research; because they're just there in the end to keep their license, and pay for med school.

I like your stance on CNN, and FOX, which brings me back to the bankers, or the fuckers in charge. At that level, you, me, or any other idiot doesn't matter. They've got their own breeding pools, and I lean towards thinking they've got their own literal sex clones, or their own amusement clones..... Or more to the not too far out, they've definitely got slaves; problem is, those people aren't just white; Just saying!

I do believe their 'relief' in life is pitting common people against common people; never aware they're the puppeteers.

Sleep well, and have a good shift(I assume).

[–]IamRedBeard 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What a refreshing read that was.

So, here's the thing only a little of my post history will tell ya. I'm gun owner, a hunter and fisherman. Give me an El Camino over a Prius any day. I have myself a Red Healer and a Neapolitan mastiff. (A duck catcher and a "I eat people" dog) And when Fall comes the entire row of this dirt road I live on Brings in their sights for hunting season. You wake up to "Pop!, Pop!, Pop!," and a cup of coffee and ya get excited for Turkey.

If I didn't open my big mouth on healthcare, or scream at Jeanine Pirro to leave the damn Mexicans alone you'd have no Idea the side of the Isle I stood on. (hell, Jeanine Pirro needs to leave everybody alone. That woman has more vitriol in her Pinky than I have in my whole body)

I see these big networks pumping out Propaganda on Both Sides. Buzz words and bright headlines and Stern people Smirking and jabbing at "journalists'' on the other side of the isle and Click bait snippets I cant even click yet cause we gotta go to see what is happening in Yemen.

That must be a happenin' city, because we are always breaking to see what is in going on in Yemen. Would it be outlandish for all of us to get out in the streets and BEG for the Fairness Doctrine back?

I see a pill in Australia costs 8 dollars. I see that same pill costs over 8k here. And Libertarians will tell you that is okay. Seems perfectly alright to some that business can have their hand elbow deep up the colon of our government, but government needs to keep its hands off business. Does that seem right to you? Citizens United has GOT to go.

Man, these are both issues that - in a year would undo a great deal of damage for this country. I dont care what side of the isle you stand on, this is bipartisan stuff I think we can all agree on. And I bet we would - but all of us are polarized.

They say:

You are "supporting a race hater and a man who acts awfully, suspiciously friendly to Putin, and verbally likes to make sweet, sweet love to Kim jong Un, and puts kids in cages without toothbrushes"

And about us:

We "just want to let any damn rapist into this country and support tearing down capitalism and want all the Jewz (kicks cat) and Mooselams to overrun Washington and have all the Gays walkin naked in Wal-mart!!"

And then here we are. Shit-posting away at each other like the guy on the other end isn't an American.

Yea, I see it. And I am aware I can be part of the problem - but give me a chance to explain: I see the Echo-Chamber T_D is at Reddit and its just - Dude that sub reads like a horror novel to me. It's like mad max over there to somebody like me who thinks Bernie has some damn good Ideas.

So you betcha, I came over here with my dukes up, Coffee in my veins and Drooling to fight a little - Cause Reddits T_D will ban you for not marching to that alt-right drum and I wanted to finally "Tell y'all Sumthin" And I Never - Never thought it would get this far. I thought I be banned and kicked from this sub faster than I got here.

I sure as hell never expected to have a conversation.

Then again - that's the whole reason for a Two Party only system, huh?

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I tell you HaWhat. We get FOX and CNN off the air for six months I bet all this bickering will cut down quite a bit.

That would be something else. People might lose their minds though.

Yes, we are a corporatist country, socialism and a good welfare state for the very, very rich at low to no interest and covert feudalism for the poor and middle class.

I've noticed something recently that I'd thought I would share. I was talking to a friend about bank and corporate bailouts, which is basically just a big welfare check. He was fine that the government bailed out banks for billions of dollars, the same banks that defraud the American people and resist public banking at all costs.

Then when I talked about giving people (the lower middle class) affordable healthcare even if it is only the basics he got mad and called me a communist. You also, have one side saying medicare for all is bad and communist, and private health care is bad. Either they want to erase medicare for good, or bring in medicare for all and erase private healthcare. How about, we have medicare for all and private health insurance, however, in a good faith classical free market, so that we can choose from dozens of private healthcare at afforadable prices. And it a healthcare institution fails do not bail them out. That way we don't have one monopoly healthcare company for one state. And the healthcare companies won't take as many chances.

[–]IamRedBeard 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I remember in 2008 when we bailed out Everybody. The housing markets, the banks, Freaking Ford Motor Company and then the execs - with the bailout money gave themselves raises. Well when Obama bailed them out it made me mad - but he put safeguards in place to try to keep this crap happening again. Now Trump in his infinite Wisdom has removed those safeguards. Man that makes a lot of things look good right now dunnit? Well, thats alright. When the housing bubble pops this next time and good people loose their houses again, I'm buying a house. Might just get property with it too.

And a bunker I can climb under and hide in while the world goes and kills itself.

As long as the lobbyists for big corporations wine and dine our senators and pay for big under the table benefits this is going to happen. A big ol' repeal of Citizens United would be a start towards ending that.

You ever notice when they make a bill they make it sound like the opposite of what it does? Citizens United is really Corporations United? The Patriot Acts were about the most Anti-patriotic rights stomping acts in ages. If they make an 'Americans for Kittens' Act it would be in favor of Americans drowning kittens.

Bah. I'm cranky and shouldn't be on here today.

We are on the same side in a great many things, you and I.

Polar opposites on others, but that's what make us people I suppose.

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Are you against Zionists? And Jewish supremacy (NOT JEWS IN GENERAL) Because there are Jewish supremacists, and they are in high levels of our government.

[–]IamRedBeard 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't like that People wont differentiate between greedy banker corporate Jews, (which are just as bad as greedy banker corporate Americans so I just throw them in the same pile) and the Jewish woman that's like a second mother to me that made sure I maintained a roof over my own head and didn't drink myself to death in my early 30's. I have little love for for those that live in white towers and are out of touch with the common person. Jewish or Christian when these people get into power they start trying to wield their holy books like mallets and hitting us all over the heads with what they feel is their moral authority. Im a big O'l fan of separation of Church and State - In Every country and Whatever Church

[–]Reddit_sucks_dick 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)