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[–]HeyImSancho[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I forgot another time in dealing with 'drag queens'; the guy that I had working for me, is how I learned just how fucking bad meth is; it eats your brains.

Well, since I was young, and a business owner, I only cared about my projects, and the bottom line. This guy worked decently most of the time, but would also act really odd some days not accomplishing anything; I believe they call this 'gacked', or did.

Well, I learned that many methheads will encourage the use within their family, and children; this guy did too. His son, between stints in prison, loved staying in cheap motels, and cross dressing, or 'drag queening'. For the most part, he would only fuck chicks, never use a condom, and had more illegitimate children than you could shake a stick at by 23. From knowing these 2 idiots, plus the 3rd rapist drag queen methhead, I met a 4th guy who I'd never seen dress in drag, but had heard stories of, he was in his mid 40's, and had spent most of his adult life in prison..... The clencher, all of them said they were straight, yet all from tidbits I'd gathered had group homosexual sex.... this last guy, the tough guy from prison???? He had a woman's body tattoo'd on his back, her head up by his neck, then the titties just below his shoulder blades, and it continued down into his pants; if I was to guess, I'd say her 'hole' would've been where his is.

My point, all these fuckers were heavy meth users. I learned my lesson, and god damned if any methhead is around me now!!! Like i said, I was young, a business owner, and needed labor; I think that's about the only thing that saved me from being charged with 'associating', 'frequenting'; which are real deals.