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[–]HeyImSancho[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I seriously question that the Western world was anything, but a created mess. My looks back at Western history sure seem on par with what we have today, but in different ways necessary for the given times.

On the note of duration of said mass agenda, yes, I agree it happens over a long period of time, but at least to myself, I've noted just from time, and life experience that it seems like an entire society can be rewired in as little as 7 to 15 years. From there, I don't think long term pograms have exact dates.

As far as the prepping in America, that again, will it be taken, or what was the purpose for the astroturf'd 'prep campaign'? The stuff guns, food, and fuel hoarded by I assume hundreds of thousands, or millions of Americans, will either rot, or be used by someone for something.

In the sense of this taking place over decades, which I agree with, it somewhat leans away from a bloody conflict; I mean the training, the indoctrination are working across the board.