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[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

There is no such thing as a free market.

In some ways the internet is inversed payment, depending. You can pay a monthly set fee. Or you can pay for your bandwidth. These are 2 options on the same thing. One is bulk. The other is as you go and don't pay if you don't use it. And as surfers we pay on one end, while magnora7 pays on the other end for his hosting and traffic.

Not quite the same but it kinda is.

[–]HeyImSancho[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

huh, I wonder where the concept of the free market came from.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

It came from tycoons who didn't want regulations, tariffs, or taxes.

It's propaganda to make folks think that if they help big business then big business with trickle down on their faces.

[–]HeyImSancho[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Your saying big business want's free market, and that free market is bad for the regular people? "okay", but that doesn't even make sense, just from the standpoint of big business. I mean the people are a commodity to big business, they own us, and we're regulated beyond belief.

If I'm reading you correctly, then I absolutely disagree. The concept of free market literally is the free exchange of goods, and services for something in return; void of third party intervention(regulation). Free market exists all across America, and the world via the 'cash economy', or 'underground economy'.

Regulations, taxes, licensing, and forced insurance are the Achilles heel to the small business. Regulation is the achilles heel to innovation, ingenuity, and creativity. Creativity really seems to be taking a dive in our modern world.

Do you think licensing is good, and why?

Do you think forced insurance is good, and why?

What in your words are the benefits from regulations for the average man, woman, it, or small business?

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Not that I'm a stickler for the rigged laws and corrupt judicial system, but by definition, anything you pay cash for to avoid paying taxes is illegal. The "underground economy" is illegal.

That is NOT a free market.

I wouldn't say Achilles heel so much as ball and chain.

Do you think licensing is good, and why?

Do you think forced insurance is good, and why?

What in your words are the benefits from regulations for the average man, woman, it, or small business?

Way too broad and vague questions.

Licensing has it's pros and cons. I don't know if you're substituting "licensing" for "regulation" as they are different things. A better substitution is "protections" for "regulations".

Do you think protections are good and why? Can I sell you poison toothpaste? Not if regulations/protections are in place. Can we fuck up the banks and markets and make the work place unsafe? Not if regulations/protections are in place.

Forced anything is bad. Insurance is a rigged scam. If they socialized it and took out the profit motive then people wouldn't be able to scam others and folks would actually get the coverage they pay for. But the politicians will never fix it because they're in on the scam.

Regulations used to protect the average small guys from corporatocracy exploitation. Those days are over.

[–]HeyImSancho[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Yes, the 'cash economy', and/or 'underground economy' by current legal standards is not legal; does that mean it's morally wrong in the face of a corrupt govt? It's not really debatable as it's opinion, but having that said, the underground economy is a huge free market, and after 08', that's how many made it through lean times; while the big banks through regulation(or as you like "protection") were bailed out, many people who lost all were forced to turn to the cash economy.

I used my terms correctly; kinda sad, or funny, or 'damn I should learn to write clearer', if you assumed I didn't know, and thus needed to expand into more terms. Let's define some words!

License: permission, accorded by a competent authority, conferring the right to do some act which without such authorization would be illegal. `Blacks 3rd ed.

regulate: To fix, establish, or control: to adjust by rule, method, or established mode. ~Blacks 3rd ed.

regulation: the act of regulating; a rule or order prescribed for the management or government. ~Blacks 3rd Ed.

protection .... well go look it up, I looked in a couple editions of Black's, and it simply isn't the correct word to use. Protections is something given by a king, or legally they're sailors in in given situations.

legal: Conforming to the law: according to law: required or permitted by law: good and effectual in law. ~Blacks 5th ed.

I used my words properly, and only typed what was necessary to convey myself.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I used my terms correctly

I didn't say you hadn't. But we've been talking in extremely vague terms and you flipped from free markets to regulations to licensing and insurance.

Just because Blacks 3rd ed. doesn't have "protections" doesn't mean it's a very real thing and huge concern for the authentic-progressive-left - and the alt-right for that matter.

Your words are fine. But the non-specific lack of focus makes it difficult to give you good honest answers when so vague and general. And after all this I still don't know if you know that "free markets" are a myth and now I honestly don't care.

[–]HeyImSancho[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

That's the problem Jason, I guess we don't connect on a communicable level. I could call out your posts as being vague, and not answering pointed questions in my posts. I could go on with calling you, out by simply stating,"the non-specific lack of focus makes it difficult to give you good honest answers so vague, and general.", So whatever.... let's circle jerk this shit;)

The concept of a free market is one in which there is little to no, forced regulation, little to no forced licensing, little to no forced insurance. I don't see how this is vague, or non specific; when compared to what you've written here about taxing everyone at the creation of goods before any income generated?

What I covered are legal concepts. You stated I didn't explain myself correctly, and then bring in a word, 'protection', to illustrate how I'm vague???? I'm not the one introducing 'better' descriptive words, that have no legal merit on the subject, and do what, water it down by way of the wrong word? You do know when you say I'm using the wrong words, or being vague, what's the natural thing to do???? Figure out where we're lacking communication, yet the go to legal dictionary for legal, and basically all governmental issues isn't good enough to solve what you state??? Okay, here we go,"I don't see how this is vague, or non specific; when compared to what you've written here about taxing everyone at the creation of goods before any income generated?

Furthermore, how can you say I'm being vague if you've ever set foot in the business world of America, or even the western world? The licensing is over the top, the regulations with those licenses are over the top. Here we go, I don't see how this is vague, or non specific; when compared to what you've written here about taxing everyone at the creation of goods before any income generated?

Everything is licensed; those licenses have increased in regulatory requirements, and price to obtain, yet often times, perhaps due the the educational system, actually tested material for many licenses is crap anymore. It equates to simply being an extortion racket of pay to play. Here we go,I don't see how this is vague, or non specific; when compared to what you've written here about taxing everyone at the creation of goods before any income generated?

The regulations are the same thing, it seems like every month, since the dawn of television, we've heard of this company/conglomerate, or that company/conglomerate seriously either tweaking, or flat out breaking the law/regulation; likewise there's usually someone complicit in the regulatory agency. This goes on, while the common guy cannot afford the regulatory actions to go into business. I don't see how this is vague, or non specific; when compared to what you've written here about taxing everyone at the creation of goods before any income generated?

Insurance is the same way; I've actually seen people who've got a turn key business set up, and ready to go, and insurance providers turn them down, because of 'no business history in the particular field'. It's common, and going to brokerage looking for a non admitted insurer can be a nightmare.

So if we review this thread, it started out regarding how the IRS was changing up some things, I said forget that, free market, and you came into say, 'we need to tax all business at the onset of any good created'. I guess that's "protection" by way of the Gambino thought process?

I asked questions from there, that you didn't feel necessary to acknowledge, or didn't see, I don't know. For example, I asked about intellectual property created say on saidit, by your way of how things should be done, every post here could be taxable, to either saidit, or the content contributor, for even daring to write; as at some point, it could be monitized.......... This is what you said, tax all business at creation of good(feeling a little gambinoish).

I call bullshit on more taxes, or different taxes, and said free market again. Our current system is labeled 'capitalism', but it also holds strong aspects of fascism, communism, socialism, feudalism, and at the end of the day, is becoming more, and more command, and control society. Licensing, insurance, regulation, and similar when applied to the principles of business, totally stack up in the favor of big business, the govt., and their controlled oligarchy. I guess I'm vague, and cannot be comprehended though, sigh.

Here's a story for you, my brother was an EPA contractor in the late 90's. All he did was take out private chartered planes, and fly over the oil fields in East Texas/Louisiana . His job was looking for regulation, and licensing violations for holding tanks, and pumping operations. He would do aerial inspections with photography, and then serve citations on the ground accompanied by usually several local police. Their appearance on site, was usually quite unnerving to those people on the ground working at these facilities; tickets could have penalties commonly up to $50 grand.

My brother thought that he was literally saving the world, even though at the time, he knew he aided in running several mom, and pops out of business.

He finally quit after inspecting an Exxon Mobil site. My brother had shows up ticket book in hand; he said it was the worst site he'd ever seen, and was backed up to a protected waterway; it was already leaking into the water.

The Exxon folks there, simply called their supervisors, who then showed up, and my brother's own supervisors from the EPA showed up. The supervisors spoke; Exxon said they'd fix the tank. My brother's supervisor ordered him to stand down, and to leave.

My brother brought it up with corporate, who also told him to stand down. He quit after realizing he'd been used as a bitch big business tearing down mom, and pops..... It's amazing the power the oligarchy wields, and usually with support from the common folks helping in their own subjugation.

[–]HeyImSancho[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And to that point Jason, I've got several good anecdotes from my own experiences on the subject of business, free market, and those things that cause subjugation there of.

Our original taxation to support govt. was with import tariffs. Our government was small, as it should be. I mean look at it today, the one constant is they tell us to pay more money to fix what's never gotten fixed the first time we already paid more money. Yet the effect of more money, has been a perpetual slide away from freedom, and liberty.

Govt is a necessary EVIL, and should be treated with the same respect as a loaded gun, or can of gas. It should be limited, and controlled; serving only as a guideline for the free people to use in daily life with each other as a blueprint for peaceful conduct.

Yet today, most think we need more....... the irony.