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[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Perception management

Utilized in PSYchological OPerations is a term originated by the US military. The US Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences (domestic audiences - now legal under 2012 Smith Mundt Modernization Act) to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection,operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations. These are the tactics/factors performed in PSYOPS. Understanding each and everyone of these will help you the researcher unmask the hidden meaning and agendas of aforesaid psychological operations...

...its pretty clear that these techniques are being fully utilized both in government and in the media and social media platforms today... it is one reason things are ALL kinds of screwed up lately... I truly believe they opened Pandora's Box on this one... and we are now in the middle of suffering from its effects!

And it is global now – the false-flag hoaxes (PSYOPS) are really mounting up all over the place:

  • North America: Aurora, Sandy Hook, Orlando, San Bernardino, Ottawa, Oregon, Parkland, Santa Fe, Fort Lauderdale, Las Vegas, Thousand Oaks, Pittsburgh shooting and dozens of others.

  • France: Nice, Bataclan plus others I believe.

  • Belgium: Brussels airport, Brussels Subway, plus others I believe.

  • Germany: Berlin truck Attack

  • Pakistan: Lahore bombing 5 days after Brussels airport

  • Australia: Melbourne Car and knife attack

  • UK: 07/07, rampaging knife-wielding murderer, Westminster, Bridge attack, Manchester fake bombing, plus others no doubt.

I’ve only looked at some of these events carefully but I do believe the others are hoaxes (hyperactive drills) and/or manufactured false flags too. For a great, detailed rundown on these events, look up UK Critical Thinker.

And they even Infiltrate the alternative media:

“Psychological Operations: say the truth in a way that it will be rejected!”

I’m afraid most alternative news agencies are controlled oppositions.

Any presidential policy may be accompanied by broadcasts that use subliminal programming as part of perception management. These mechanisms that squelch dissent have been used since the Reagan Administration to shape public opinion to support administrative policies. Wars require domestic support and these “black ops” programs started to use the “psy-ops” tools of the military. DARPA, the research and development arm of the military, has created many tools to control the enemy through media that shapes public perception. The only question left was the issue of what the goal of the president (or the real powers behind him—the Council on Foreign Relations) might be, besides the obvious one of having few people who disagree with his policies. We then studied the United Nations Small Arms Treaty which Obama signed in 2011, but couldn’t get Congress to ratify. In this treaty we found the goal Obama and future presidents are driving towards — disarm America, with the help of the United Nations. But two things have to happen:

1) we have to give up our guns or have them taken from us

2) the UN has to have a military presence in our country. Keep in mind that the United Nations cannot have a military presence in our country, unless invited. Congress would not, and has not, ratified the UN Small Arms Treaty, nor would they yet vote on Second Amendment restrictions (federally) So, PSYOPS were used to create conscious and “unconscious” support of a national gun grab.

Factors that influence the target:

(1) Ambiguity

A lack of clarity. If ambiguity increases, the perceiver may find it harder to form an accurate perception.

Counterpart: Eyewitnesses have conflicting accounts. Information, timelines, police reports, court records and media narratives are deliberately contradictory despite the passing of time.

(2) Social status

Targeting a person’s position in society or in an organization.

Counterpart: The official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the governing body or party thereof.

(3) Impression management

The perceptions or impressions of others.

Counterpart: The narrative behind the PSYOP (hyperactive drill), false flag, or manufactured media hoax serves to leverage emotions like fear, as well as false patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously controversial issue such as gun-control, censorship, i.e hate speech or billion dollar investment in school security measures.

(4) Preparation

Having clear goals and knowing the ideal position you want people and/or participants to hold.

Counterpart: Military and law enforcement training drills occur on the same day or a few weeks ahead of time very close by or at the very same location causing confusion to obscure eye-witness testimony and allow orchestrators to plant both patsies, disinformation and backup operatives. Immediate calls for gun control or restricting civil liberties ensue.

(5) Credibility

All information uses prejudices or expectations to increase credibility.

Counterpart: News agencies keep saying that they are “being given reports” or “being told” and do not cite who reported or who gave them the unconfirmed information they broadcast as real or truthful.

(6) Multi-channel support

Have multiple arguments and fabricated facts to reinforce your information. Use emotion, lie if need be.

Counterpart: No obvious motive for the attack and no prior indicators. This effectively makes it easier to push multiple future agendas. Shooter leaves manifesto or lots of evidence “proving” they were “radicalized” or “on drugs” or other undesirables that furthers the Hegelian Dialectic. Moreover, it is appropriate to have two or three opposing sides that do not impede on the others end goal. In the case of Parkland, one side advocates the banning of all rifles and so called ‘assault weapons’, while denouncing the idea of teachers using handguns to protect students (False dichotomy). Whilst the other side advocates for a billion dollar school security plan and a greater police presence, whilst also advocating mental hygiene laws. Both agendas are ideologies where the end justifies the means. In this case, the banning of rifles and most semi-automatic weapons (left), the signing of legislature concerning mental hygiene, mental health and political dissident laws as well as billion dollar security plans and the militarization of police (right).

(7) Centralized control

Employ entities to promote propaganda.

Counterpart: Fake “victims” and crisis actors. Crisis management groups such as Obsidian.

(8) Security

The nature of the deception campaign is known by few.

Counterpart: All drill participants and crisis actors sign Non-disclosure Agreements with “National Security” clause promising swift and severe punishment if broken. Everyone involved is on a “need to know” basis and kept in the dark about the overall intent of the event. Paid huge sums of money, through gofundme accounts. Gag orders placed on entire towns.

(9) Flexibility

The deception campaign adapts and changes over time as needs change.

Counterpart: Evidence gets destroyed or tampered with and the details don’t matter because the culprits are dead or never heard from or seem again. No more interest in an investigation. All contrary information memoryholed.

(10) Coordination

Organize in a hierarchy to maintain consistent distribution of information.

Counterpart: The federal agencies trump the local law enforcement agencies due to the “National Security” element of the drill which is ultimately controlled by the Department of Defense. This is the case in many of these PSYOP shootings.

(11) Concealment

Contradicting information is destroyed.

Counterpart: Culprit is dead and evidence disappears from news reports, Internet, and media. Patsy has no military training, yet shoots extremely effectively and accurately with a kill ratio greater than the most trained federal agent but no authority looks at the evidence.

(12) Untruthful statements

Fabricate the truth.

Counterpart: Families of “victims” have acting backgrounds and receive payoffs in GoFundMe accounts and direct payoffs, especially mortgages. They often show little to no emotion, and even smile or laugh (duping delight). The lie perpetuates and the “official story” is shaped by the media into truth.

(13) Schema

Organization and interpretation of information based on past experiences and knowledge.

Counterpart: Reinforce past psychological operations with the same agenda.