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[–]magnora7 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I agree, but perhaps no one actually really cares, and the media is just convincing us we need to alienate ourselves from each other, when in fact we don't. They're just driving wedges, it's part of the strategy of divide and conquer. If there are a million wedges and you believe all of them, then every man becomes an island and we are easy to conquer in our disunity.

[–]astronautrob[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Perhaps no one cares but I think some people do. I have a lot of friends who text & talk in this way, and don't see a problem with it, so I don't know if it's about people caring or not caring more so than narratives that can prevail in society if it they are perpetuated enough. I agree it is a distraction & meant to divide us or drive wedges in society (which is the overall job of the media in general) but I don't agree that no one cares. I think people think a lot about how they communicate vua text or online, &I think that is coloring both or in person interactions &our online ones. Thats the main problem I see in the whole thing. I could care less whether someone puts yes no pk with zero or 100 exclamation points. But when the narrative is that people need to speak a certain way, loke example given about the doctors office, then it starts to get to me a little bit. It puts too much on the interpretation instead of the intention. It makes it so however the receiver interpreters what the person says is more important that ehat the intention was, which makes everyone responsible for everyone elses feelings. Thats my maon problem in a nut shell, not that I think it's important or people should care but just be aware. If some people in society start adopting this or see this as correct &some don't we won't be able to speak to eachother properly.