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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Agreed. I find it remarkable that you never see worker coops in MSM, almost as if they're hiding another secret to success, like so many alternative solutions. I'd rather see 1000 "corruptable" worker coops than 10 or 1 centralized corrupt corporations.

I stalked you a bit, looking at your subs, or lack thereof, after I'd invited you to co-mod /s/Canada. Don't feel like you need to. It's nothing special and not some club - I just do it to share Canada with Canadians.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I'm not Canadian! I'm Québécois! I abhor Canada and everything Canadian because we are collectively captive in your country. It's a system of shadow-apartheid that has enslaved, impoverished and tried to culturally genocide us. Canada to me is an aberration that begs to be destroyed. Only my passport is Canadian. That's the only thing. Oh, and one could say: the geography of where I live. If there were a Québec sub I would be glad to, but a Québec sub would be in French, so yeah. Thanks but no.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Make it! That's how it starts. Maybe few will post there in /s/Québéc, but eventually it could be a thriving community.

IMO, I would feel a little sad to see Québéc go, but I would understand. I suspect it might be a tough go without the rest of Canada for a while, but eventually it would even out. I'm against centralized power so I also wouldn't object if there were 5 or 6 new countries that come from the old Canada, perhaps still in tight cooperation - like Europe, though I'd also like to see more currencies too, not just one potentially crippling Euro or Canadian dollar. Also fuck the Queen.

I would have liked it if the Southern States had seceded rather than remain controlled and diminished under central power. The MSM story about the Civil War is almost all bullshit.

Here's a tricky question for you... If Québéc were to break away, what would you do when the vast Northern regions with their rich resources try to break away into their own First Nations sovereign territory? For that matter, that question could really be applied to all of Canada, where 90% of us live within 200 km of the US border. The hinterland is always enslaved by the heartland.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That question is grounded in the idea that whites and First Nations are at odds with each other. The French settlers to, well, all of North America, were FRIENDS with the first nations. As a matter of fact, the French colonies "lost" so many settlers to "Savage assimilation" that the religious authorities put together a whole plan to try to put a stop to it. The word for a blend of white and Amerindian is a French word: Métis. It's no coincidence.

The French settlers, left to their own devices, would have blended in with the Amerindians, in a joyous eternal cultural exchange. Of course there would be NO "Amerindians" left at all in Québec if that had happened, and none of us would be truly white. We'd be something else. But the important take-away from this is that the French speaking people have a VASTLY different approach to interacting with the First Nations. As such, one cannot assume that what goes for Canada goes for Québec.

You must remember the whole Meech Lake debacle, where Québec wasn't given it's "distinct society" clause. As a result of this, Québec is not even constitutionally part of Canada. But here again, the First Nations sided with the English (or were they "influenced") by the English Canadian political powers? Either way, the First Nations vehemently protested Québec getting its "distinct society" status.

It doesn't take a 10,000 IQ to figure out that doing so was self-harm: from the precedent of Québec obtaining such a status, it would have made it easy for the First Nations to do so as well: win-win-win, with the only losing side being old, big money and power that seeks to preserve the status quo. So OF COURSE it didn't happen.

No, I think if Québec were to become its own nation, mutually-beneficial deals could be struck with the First Nations and you might actually find that Québec would start stretching West and East in the North, with other First Nation territories defecting to come to us, where they would be welcome and not ostracized and genocided.