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[–]UncleWillard56 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I see nothing wrong with anyone deciding not to have kids and it's not a waste to society. You can still be a contributing member without having children. What I do find silly is the abortion argument. I'm not against abortion per se, but I am against this idea that it should be on demand. The whole point of the procedure is that you fucked up, got impregnated, and don't want a kid. It's a last resort. And bitching that communities around the country have decided to make it as difficult as possible to get one or made it outright illegal and calling that a violation of your rights is moronic. You had every right to take birth control, abstain, or get your tubes tied. You gave up that agency when you engaged in unprotected sex with no birth control. You want "choice" than make one before someone else makes decisions for you.

[–]Mcheetah[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

bitching that communities around the country have decided to make it as difficult as possible to get one or made it outright illegal and calling that a violation of your rights is moronic

It's no one else's business who gets to be a parent or not. I frankly find the pro-life argument beyond fucking retarded and authoritarian as fuck, and have argued about it on many other sites before this one, so I'm not going to get into it much on here cause I frankly don't respect the idea that "I don't like something, and my feelings supersede your rights to parenthood or to opt out of it, even though it's none of my fucking business and doesn't impact my life in any way." It's just as retarded as what the left does with the whole made-up genders thing. I don't respect any belief that should be forced upon others simply based on "it makes me slightly uncomfortable thinking about it, so let's ban it." Seriously, how the fuck does people not having children affect anyone else's life?

You had every right to take birth control, abstain, or get your tubes tied. You gave up that agency when you engaged in unprotected sex with no birth control.

Not all pregnancies are due to negligence. Regardless, in this overpopulated shit world we live in, we don't need a strong reason to not bring more unwanted, unloved children of shitty parents into it.

Either way, I find it even more retarded that pro-life people - who also tend to be pro-second amendment (as I am) and shooting someone in the face cause they can - think a woman who is clearly negligent or reckless, should be forced to raise a child, or that that child won't SOMEHOW end up dead, mentally fucked up, or kill themselves anyway, from being the product of said bad parent.

Let's say abortions are banned globally. "Okay? I'll just kill it after birth, then." Congrats; homicides of ACTUAL babies have now skyrocketed. And the ones who aren't killed, will just likely end up being a generation of criminals, rapists, and psychopaths cause they weren't properly raised or had a family in their lives. As if Millennials and Zoomers RIGHT NOW aren't kind of fucked up, mentally ill, or all on anxiety meds, and that's with abortions existing and the assumption they had decent parents growing up.

Even a lot of people who DO want and plan children, end up being shitty parents. Pro-lifers act as if parenting is easy, cheap, or convenient, and that resources are unlimited. These same people also tend to be the ones bitching the most about higher taxes, the welfare state, or state nanny care; they also want to contribute the most to the problem, instead of reducing all this shit.

The whole pro-life argument is purely putting feelings over facts, which is the same immature shit conservatives accuse the far-left of doing, cause an embryo, fetus, and baby aren't the same thing, hence the different names and descriptions.

I don't think abortion should be "on demand" or something any woman can easily get anywhere, nor do I morally agree with third trimester abortions being a thing, but trying to have the government control your body or right to opt out of parenthood (or be a parent), is something anyone who isn't a fucking retard should agree is a bad idea and goes against your very biological rights (especially if that person is religious as it'd be "going against nature/God," and I'm not even religious.) How is the government controlling your fate to parenthood any more justified than individuals having that freedom?

I personally think there's way too many people in this world as it is and that a good half of people under 40 today probably don't need to be here, but I value freedom more than my personal opinion for or against abortion.

The easiest way to find out if someone is a piece of shit in my opinion, is to ask them about abortion, and if they give any black and white answer without nuance or something like "it's complicated," then I'll have my answer. But like I said, that's probably the vast majority of human beings nowadays; too stupid to deserve voting rights, which is why I kinda understand why the Democrats rig elections and do all this authoritarian shit to begin with. Republicans just like to moralfag on abortion and act like they aren't just as authoritarian. The problem is, both sides are filled with dumbfucks.

[–]UncleWillard56 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think we're on the same page. I'm not pro-life, I'm pro-choice, but with some caveats around personal responsibility (and not from a scolding parental pov, though I am a parent, but from a personal agency pov; people fighting the RvW overturn (and I agree it was silly, but RvW is about medical privacy over abortion rights, which I totally agree with - none of my business), are framing the argument like it's a right to have an abortion and something to be celebrated - it's not. You fucked up and now you have to face the music and deal with it when you had the chance to make better decision, you dropped the ball.

As for communities deciding whether or not to allow it, I think those communities should be allowed to determine those things for themselves. Just like I think that communities that decide to allow abortion "on demand" should be allowed to do so if that's what its members want. If you disagree, you always have the option to move and join the community that is more reflective of your morality.

[–]Mcheetah[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You fucked up and now you have to face the music and deal with it when you had the chance to make better decision, you dropped the ball.

I agree. Like I said, I'd rather reckless people who are too stupid to fuck responsibly, not become parents, however. My compromise for abortion was always, every woman gets one for free, but has to fill out a ton of paperwork in order to do it, and provide all kinds of medical records and such, so that it's kind of a pain in the ass. However, after the first free one, a woman has to pay like, $5,000 or something to get any other one she wants in her life. It's still her choice and she can even pay it off monthly if need be (it's still way cheaper than raising a child) but at least that way, she has to pay for her recklessness the second time around. Literally.

As for communities deciding whether or not to allow it, I think those communities should be allowed to determine those things for themselves.

Only when it comes to modern American government, there IS no real choice. Especially at the federal level. All you have is an illusion of choice. Just look at the absolute shithole that is California. As woke as LA and San Fran are, I don't think even they would've wanted that state to become the shithole it's become. But Gavin Newsome, being a fucking demon from Hell in the shittiest, low-effort human costume possible, made all those decisions. Which is why, such a major decision as bodily autonomy should NOT be left up to the state.

I wouldn't call myself a Libertarian, cause Libertarianism is just rich douchebaggery from elitists who think everyone can pay for their own emergency services, road construction, electric grid, or infrastructure, but I do think the smart way of life is to keep federal government as far away from everyday people's lives as much as possible. And depending on the certain year or who's in charge, federal and state government is often one in the same.

As for just "moving to another state?" As inconvenient as that is, I also think that won't be an option in the next ten years or so. But I do agree on principle of just letting states run however they wish. Too bad it often doesn't work out that way unless there's an extreme divide between the political left and political right, such as trans rights shit, or the second amendment. Things are becoming way too polarized and extreme on both sides to where both red and blue states are soon going to be authoritarian shitholes, as Florida and Texas are already becoming just as restrictive as California and New York.

And by the time people realize that shit - that their rights have been taken away over some Flavor of the Month controversy or hot button issue that's no longer relevant - it'll be too late. This is how shit like The Patriot Act and that shitty COVID Relief Bill got passed; people are always so stupid to sell their freedom at the slightest threat that politicians themselves fear-monger into them.

Which is also why I don't trust Ron DeSantis. Sure, his "concerns" may be real this time due to a bunch of kiddie-diddlers in Florida, but I guran-fucking-tee you he's the same type of guy to push the whole "protect our kids" scam at any other time too, or when it comes time to get rich off of corporate interests. Just like he did for YEARS with Disney, until Bob Iger tried to have a pissing contest with him. DeSantis has always been a corporate ass-kisser.

In short: People need to think more than one step ahead and realize the long-term effects of what they're asking for and what they THINK they want, when you talk about letting the government control your body. Or force rushed-out vaccines on people without a choice. Or sign up for "Vax Passports." Or sign up for online Real ID, which is coming soon. Or any other number of things people never think about or consider.