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[–]Jesus-Christ 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Me neither, I actually don't agree with that rule at all. It just encourages for there to be echo-chambers which I think defeats the purpose of the site.

[–]Crystalmenthol 21 insightful - 1 fun21 insightful - 0 fun22 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Echo chambers are unavoidable on the internet, and especially on a website like Saidit, Reddit, Ruqqus, etc. that explicitly allow themed groups. To me, the bigger problem is not the existence of echo chambers (in this case, one man's "echo chamber" is one woman's "safe space"), it's when a particularly, shall we say, loud, echo chamber decides that those filthy others shouldn't be allowed to have their echo chamber anywhere near our echo chamber. /r/weekendgunnit was my safe space, but /r/againsthatesubreddits couldn't tolerate our existence, even though we never bothered them except when they were actively hunting us.

I think the rule 4b is an interesting compromise. Yes it is a compromise, because the sub that wants to be a safe space doesn't have a wide reach, and the wider community has to accept that there are corners where fully free and open debate can't happen. But you know what, maybe I just want to shitpost my AK pictures with like minded folk once in a while without being told I'm a dangerous redneck, and people that actually are systematically oppressed can probably use that even more than I can.

[–]Jesus-Christ 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

To me, echo chambers and safe spaces are the same thing. It reminds me when students protest at campuses for "triggering material" to be removed because it has the ability to hurt others, but if you're just going to remove literally anything that remotely disturbs a person then it'll just impede their development and mould them into fragile and overly-anxious people. Most of these things are mild inconveniences at best, they over-react over tiny things because it's what they've been taught to do. The things that were once considered unsafe have expanded to the point where literally anything emotionally hurtful is now percieved as "unsafe". When it isn't really, it's healthy for there to be opposing opinions because it creates good discussion. I think it's easy to distinguish those that are trolls and those that want to make genuine inquiries.

[–]Crystalmenthol 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It reminds me when students protest at campuses for "triggering material" to be removed because it has the ability to hurt others

I think I'm in agreement with you on that part. The university classroom should not be a safe space for fragile egos, regardless of any legitimate trauma that person may have lived through. You shouldn't impede the learning of a whole body of students because a few can't deal with some ugly truths. The only reasonable accommodation I think I can make here is that it's fair to not expect to discuss subjects like rape in a math class.

But honestly, I'm coming around on the idea of "safe spaces" in general. To be clear, I'm not comfortable with "No Whites Allowed" discussions, but I can actually see some value in the idea of designated times/places where certain topics are just off limits, because the people there either just want to have a good time without dealing with the weighty shit, or because they're legitimately dealing with heavy shit and simply need some time to organize with like-minded people.

For example, did you ever have a conversation with a friend who disagrees with you on one particularly large topic, say Donald Trump, and both of you were just getting angry with each other, until eventually you just said "let's just have a beer and talk about Cheeto-man later?" You just set up a temporary safe space.