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I do find your perspective interesting and thank you for sharing.

You're welcome!

I don't see how Dems are targeting LGBT with gun control measures.

I didn't say they were targeting us, just that they're hurting us and don't care. It ain't their intent, but it's what their failed policies do.

"Gun rights are LGBT rights" feels like strawman, and meant to divert attention away from gun rights and instead gain sympathy and support as a minority member of society.

That's just how you view it from a right-wing perspective. The point of the article is to fight back against the Democrats' notion that gun control would help LGBT people (I've seen a lot of articles about that) and say "If you wan'o help LGBT people: let us keep our guns." Basically, I'm tryn'o convert leftists.

HRC drank the kool-aid years ago, and act as if any minority person being harmed is automatically a hate crime because of being a member of that group.

Thanks for pointing that out! I didn't know no'n about HRC, so forgive me.

Bias-motivated, and hate crime, are two different things. Everyone has biases, it doesn't mean those biases are hatred or the reason a crime was committed. This is pandering and manipulation.

Yeah, I didn't like that part when I saw it, but it ain't what I came for. I already suspected any source I found would be heavily biased towards the left — and it's pretty hard to find a source that ain't.

Couldn't just keep it on LGBT could they, better bring in race to appeal to more people!

They hate white LGBT people, which is why they put black and brown stripes on the rainbow flag — which I called out as racist, woke, divisive garbage in a pretty off-script rant video I posted a while back. (They also tried putting a prostitute symbol on the flag).

So the grand total of LGBT "hate crimes" went from 1413 to 1462.

Can't say I'm surprised they bloated the statistics. Interesting that SO-based hate crimes actually went down. I ain't entirely sure what the difference between "Gender identity" and "Gender" is, but they might be using the latter to bloat the statistics with normal sexism.

That is not an epidemic by any stretch of the imagination, and has no bearing whatsoever on gun rights and legislation, nor the second amendment.

It does have bearing on the Second Amendment, cause most LGBT people have been brainwashed by the Democrats into fighting against their own interests, and have to be showed they everyone benefits from gun rights, not just straight people.

I'll look out for HRC in the future, thanks!