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[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

What’s the point of dating and the dating market?

Love, companionship, affection, someone to give a shoulder to cry on, help you grow and be a better person, kids and a family, etc. Believe me, if I could make myself "asexual," I would. Women are the most annoying fucking things on the planet (no, I'm not an incel/woman-hater), but I'm still attracted to them and want one someday, even if I'm apparently too fucking short for any to ever love/accept at 180 centimeters.

Also just straight up: there’s no such thing as a sexual market value. No matter how ugly you think you are, someone out there is masturbating to you.

Literally only a (semi-attractive) woman could say such a thing. Lady, I know what I look like naked and what my penis looks like, and women aren't incels/desperate enough to lower their standards to any man below a 6.

[–]jebediahscat[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

You overestimate my standards, #1. #2 literally everyone in the world is ugly in one way or another and the numbers rating is subjective and worthless. #3 bold of you to assume I’m attractive

Also 1.8 is quite tall, wtf? Also no ones having kids in this economy and you can find the rest in at least one good friend

[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Modern women in general now have standards most men can't meet (even the 1s and 2s, cause simps are a cancer on society), so I don't have to know you personally to know I won't/couldn't meet your dating standards in a guy, especially with height or income. Not that I'm trying to wife you or anything.

So yes, unless you're not straight or not really a biological female, you have standards most men wouldn't be able to meet, especially me, the Anti-Chad. My initial comment was really about women in general, anyway, not specifically you.

[–]jebediahscat[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Physical appearance is realistically the last thing to worry about (not big on bald guys or disconnected beards but that's pretty much the only physical standard). You must have good hygiene, have some form of a job (i'm looking to be an accountant and if we both have income we could pay all the necessities), if you're gonna be that picky about height meet the range of 5'6-maybe 5'9 and nothing more. And that's assuming I could feel an inch of romantic attraction and didn't confuse it with a yandere-style hyperfixation. (oh yea im a cis female and mostly straight, im just autistic and sheltered)

In the meantime, other women's physical standards are wrong and you need to meet more of the nerd/cringe women. James Marriott is sexy according to them

[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Most men in the world have good hygiene, some kind of job (even if they aren't wealthy, as that's what women usually mean when they say "have some kind of a job;" they really mean "earn six to seven figures yearly," and treat their partners with basic respect and affection (you didn't mention this, but I assume it'd be a requirement.) That's like 98% of straight men; not hard to find.

Most men globally are 174 cm, and in the US, 180 cm (5'11"), but to women, that's shit-tier and undateable, as the bare minimum is 184 cm, which is 6'0" or 6'1", and even that's only a "C" as far as grades go. So if you want 5'9", then that disqualifies a good 20% of men who are sub-5'9". 60% of men are going to be 5'9" to 5'11", and only 20% are going to be 6'0" or taller.

I'm a cis female and mostly straight

What does that mean? You're a lesbian (queer)? You really want a relationship with women? There's no such thing as "mostly" straight. You're either heterosexual, asexual, or you're queer (a lesbian/gay man.) Self-respecting men don't want to be with lesbians; that's literally cuckoldry. People of both genders tend to want to be valued and actually wanted by their partners.

you need to meet more of the nerd/cringe women

They have the same standards. That's why you get 400 pound cringe women like Lizzo and Tess Holiday still expecting their men to be 6'+ with abs. Women in general tend to have double standards a lot of the time, so Lizzo is still going to want a man in far better shape than her, just like Lisa Ann, the 50-something year old porn star, still expects a good quality man who doesn't watch porn and will "respect" her as a relationship choice, despite her years of doing adult movies. Which again, is ridiculous.

James Marriott is sexy according to them

I don't know who that is, but he looks soy as fuck. I was watching a video about a pedophile, Gigglygoon Clown, on Turkey Tom's channel on YouTube and he mentioned that said pedo had a girlfriend. Old me would be depressed upon hearing this, thinking even a disgusting pedophile and degenerate could get a partner and I couldn't. But over time I realized that the ability to get a female partner was not as special as I thought it was; it usually just means destroying your own life or living it solely to impress some woman who won't give a fuck about you in five years. Either simpery/sugar-daddy'ing (if you're under six feet or otherwise unattractive) or being an abusive asshole (if you're over six feet/attractive looking); that's how you get women like 95% of the time. And I refuse to bribe my way into someone's heart or treat a girl like shit, just to not be alone. It's not like I can ever grow to hit 6'5", anyway.

So I'm alone. But I now accept it isn't 100% my fault; I didn't choose to be a manlet or be as ugly as I am, or have dignity and self-respect and not play the Simping Game or be a doormat for women. I don't post on this sub and I sure as hell don't consider myself to be an "incel," but I saw your initial post linked by someone else here on SaidIt and responded to it.

[–]jebediahscat[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

When I say some form of a job, I mean enough so we can contribute to rent and bills and stuff. but yea other requirements are the respect and affection, including a good understanding of consent and maybe liberal in general (not racist/homophobic/etc, and please dear god be attracted to other adults), i don't care too much about smoking and drinking as long as it's in moderation and away from the home, and house duties are split between us. I'd say a man who can cook as well but that'd just be hypocritical of me lol. Also be on my folks' good side (bonus points if you're a science or engineering man)

180 cm (5'11") in the US, but to women, that's shit-tier and undateable

mf I am 5'5, everyone's tall to me and those women are wrong assuming they're my height

mostly = i feel like im not as straight as i thought cuz my attraction's all whack but I got other stuff going on rn. I can't imagine myself in a relationship, but then again most of my imagination goes to fanfiction.

Self-respecting men don't want to be with lesbians

... that's how lesbians generally work

now as far as other men go (James is a singer/youtuber btw, stream Gold), abusiveness usually ends up there bc the women in question have low self esteem and don't think they deserve anything better. While I admit I was considering sugar daddies just for basic costs, it wouldn't happen solely bc im scared of the sex part of those deals. I've been talking to a guy thats been way better to me than the pedos of my high school days plus meets a few of the requirements from earlier so thats cool so far.

[–]Mcheetah 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

maybe liberal in general (not racist/homophobic/etc., and please dear god be attracted to other adults)

Liberals in general aren't un-racist (they hate White people with a passion; I'm not even white), and they tend to be pretty sexist (towards men.) 99% of normal everyday people aren't bigoted, but modern-day 2023 liberals aren't normal everyday people cause normal everyday people don't spend 12 hours a day complaining about Donald Trump on Twitter and going on cyber-detective crusades to try to cancel random people over the internet. Liberals tend to be the majority of ones attracted to "younger people," not Bible Belters. The left-leaning crowd even made a big stink over the infamous Florida Parental Rights in Education bill last year cause they wouldn't get to teach glory holes and pozzing to minors anymore. But I digress...

[–]jebediahscat[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I was 13-17 once and i guarantee you that wasn't my experience but ok

[–]Vulptex 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think it's only the priest class in Christianity that's full of pedos.