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[–]greybeard 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

He is an incel. But IT uses different definition of incel so you're right, the post is off-topic. But this didn't happen anyway, at least not how she tells it. Foids are always in competition to come up with the most cruel and himiliating rejection methods in school, often baiting boys into making a move so they can mock them. Shrieking in disgust would get them a smirk of the teacher. Nobody will get in trouble for a respectful rejection, espectially not of the special needs kid, teachers aren't that stupid.

He isn’t a bad person, and I’m sure he would be a great boyfriend. However, I’m a lesbian.

This sentence is a prime example why I hate women btw. They'll make up bullshit and force everyone to publically agree via social pressure, but everybody knows it is bullshit. At least with the "just so happens teehee" foids with their 6'2 boyfriends I can imagine that they are stupid enough to believe that height really doesn't matter to them, but this is really on the nose "the emperor's new clothes"-tier.