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[–]Portrynial[S,M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

An illustration I made. A version with tags, and a version without.

Feel free to share it on social media as an insult to the Distracted Boyfriend meme. (No one has really shared it, and that's ok.)

In the fictional world of this illustration, males instead of women walk around with their bodies and looks on display. While women dress comfortably. The women are free to humiliate males, and everyone thinks it's funny when they do.

While in our real world, there are overwhelming legions of douchebags who have laughed at the Distracted Boyfriend meme. Because it's supposed to be funny when a male humiliates the women around him, through overbearing gestures/looks. Subtly suggesting that a woman is not her own person, her only quality is whatever a gross male thinks of her.