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[–]Happy_face_caller 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah we definitely don’t run anything politically, we don’t have anything close to enough power to be the majority decision makers. I think Africa is the only place and that’s the entire continent I think. They have the most ratio of female party leaders and own the most land at close to 10% and they still have nowhere near the political power rhese dumb moids are claiming. They have country wide feminist coalitions and still they don’t have that. Even tho there is a female monarch in the UK she doesn’t have any real power. They just forced Theresa May out in the Uk so no, no women have politicos power really, not even close to parity. Not in our life times.

As we all know When these loser men whine about women’s political power, every part of it is about their dumb boners.

If women have even a tiny voice to make laws to govern ourselves they have less unfettered access and more consequence did their rampant violence.

I don’t think most men, unless it’s their job, read above a 5th grade level. I’d speculate the men in my family that switched parties to look Butch definitely don’t. So the algorithms these sad weak minded men find them and feed their deepest fears.

If everything you learn about a feminism is from a divorced plumber on YouTube you are are going to spout obtuse crap and stomp around mad at even one woman with a modicum of power