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[–]Maryam 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

/> Live in Pakistan

/> "Muslims suck because of terrorism. Kick them out / Put outsiders in their territories / Reeducate them" - Westerners, Indians, Chinese, whoever

/> "But men commit terrorism?" - Me, realizing that their mentalities would effectively ruin my life

/> Also recently became exMuslim

/> Realize that Muslim women live shitty lives

/> Realize that ladies poorer than me and less educated than me get shit from men both in Muslim communities and the West/China/India/Burma/whereever

/> "yikes"

/> Find my way in GC

/> "Ew trannies" - GC

/> "meh who cares" - Me, a Pakistani

/> find r/trufemcel

/> At least they didnt care about transpeople all the time

/> Wow r/trufemcels is actually based af

/> r/trufemcels user/GreenAppleTeapie69 (reee where did she go) creates ppf

/> she's generally a pretty charismatic person and the posts in ppf seem based

/> Fall down a black-pill and pink-pill feminism rabbit hole

/> Discover my life was actually based

/> Dad died, go to an all girls school, no social life so no effective communication with men

/> yayy

/> Months later

/> Realize that the media, the religion, the history, the philosophy, the science, the lifestyle, the technology, the economy, the culture, the government, that affects my life, was created by men from centuries upon centuries, and that every facet of my life and even aspects of my mind would be extremely different if they didnt. Men have effectively molded by experience in this world - and I dont know whether for the better or worse.

/> "yikes"

/> Develops an existential crisis

[–]Apricot_Ibex 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I feel this. I went to an international school with some kick-ass Pakistani girls in Saudi Arabia. TIMs are hardly the main concern for women in a place like Pakistan, or Saudi. Shit, TIMs aren’t even on the radar much in the Bible thumping Trump-humping southern US state I live in now. Women were never seen as fully human in any of these places to begin with. At least there might have been some tiny glimmer of hope in more progressive places. We have so many other crucial issues that are effecting women today, especially in the ultra-conservative theocracies and poverty stricken patriarchies (so, a huge part of the world). I love that PPF doesn’t play nice about it.