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[–]Happy_face_caller[S] 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It 100% shows that men are pedophilic and predatory and that liberal feminism is a complete failure. This study will come out and they will do nothing but try to “figure” out why men act like this while repeating their useless mantras like not all men and trans women are women. they themselves were preyed on as 15 year olds, yet have convenient amnesia and will gladly throw 15 year old girls under the bus to get a few crumbs from patriarchy.

But we are “mean” for being concerned with the safety of children over male feelings.

[–]slayeroftruth 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I never had any patience for perverted abusive pricks. Grandma on dad side is the biggest pick me of all time. Grandma supported my dad beating my mom because to her "if you can talk like man you can take it like a man", took in weird losers off of the street to give them place to stay, supported her pedophilic stalker crazy son (one of my friends lived across from my grandma. he stalked her because he was convinced she was his daughter. she was not he was just crazy. he also molested her sister.) who had to do something weird in New York City (he got kicked out and was banned from going back.).. She babysit children for her sons (she never babysit me. my mom would never allow it) and daughters with that weird pervert. I like every women have experience with perverts. I learned a lot about pedophiles and pick me's from those two alone. My experience and observations with the stuff that's happened in my family has made it to where I have zero patience with perverts, pick me's (i'm sick of their enabling) and abusers long before I was radical feminist.