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[–]Immortallogic[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'll start off saying I'm not American and I def don't know the intricacies of American politics, but am fairly well versed.

My thoughts on AOC are overall that she is a great progressive voice. Her politics are overall sound and the fact that she is an outspoken woman about womens issues is an obvious plus.

In the end of this video she talks about drag queens and non binary people and how they contribute to different forms of beauty or something, which was the most annoying part for me... But I guess acceptance and blanket affirmation of those groups are lately a must for most leftists (which I hate, because those people do not speak for me, though I am a lefty).

I am a bit torn on the makeup bit, and she also touches on how women that wear makeup sometimes make more money/are seen as more professional etc. She says this is a wrongful reason to wear makeup. To me, this would be the only objective reason in favor of wearing it. She says it should be used to empower one's self etc, which obviously to me seems like something fed straight out of the deeply ingrained socialization of girls, but she pointedly speaks to this issue and for her it's a way to rebel against the patriarchy.

What are your thoughts, and also what are your thoughts on makeup in general? Admittedly I still on occasion wear a bit of lipstick. I do like the way it looks sometimes, but other times I look at myself and say woah, this looks ridiculous.