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[–]slayeroftruth 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Look at how the shows about little girls in pageants dress up like they are adults( Look at her before and after. Its obvious she is wearing ton of makeup which is bad for our skin so children wearing it should not happen. These girls look unnatural. It continues bullshit unhealthy beauty standards for all little girls who will grow up insecure in their natural self. They can't even dress casual when selling their music, performing ect. Women constantly have to put on show.

When these entertainers like Britney for example dress in way that sexualizes girls its to get her generation and younger (younger generation is going to be "inspired" by this and take it step further) to see it as normal. Their is no diverse way for these entertainers to show how they are grown up. What I mean is when these entertainers are growing into young adulthood they are very sexualized by our media. When I was teen Christina Aguilera was popular. She would always connect being very sexual to be an adult. I'm not shaming being sexual. What I have problem with is teen girls are never shown to be sexual in gradual or modest innocent way. Having healthy sex is never promoted. The sex positive movement is used to shame young women and women who don't conform to what men want us to do. It should be used to promote healthy sex life but its not. Young women can never say what's not popular with men. Like you would never hear them say BDSM is dangerous and abusive.

Women growing up in diverse ways is never shown. What I mean is you don't see them finding love for art, discovering second wave radical feminisms, talking about history of feminism and history of women, finding different quirky style that's not very sexy, talking about having interest in other cultures from traveling the world, ect to make point of talking about being growing up in music and in interviews. Being educated adult who question things is just never promoted.

These young women never question anything that's not popular. What I mean is they will support feminism but not say where its coming from aka men. They would never reference Andrea Dworkins, Mary Daly, Audra Day ect. These entertainers will never say feminism is for women only and that men should fix their own problems. They will not rebel against putting on performance and promoting healthy sexuality. Even if they do talk about abuse towards women men as group is never blamed. They don't promote real power for women. Having power is not being in porn and prostitution for many reasons. They want our girls to oversexualize themselves so they can be vulnerable. That's the dream for the left and the right. In fact that's one of the few things they can agree on.

I heard Christina Aguilera release cd couple years ago. I went to check it out of curiosity. I liked her music as teen. She supports trans taking our rights away but also supports women abuse shelters. You can't support both because its clusterfuck with them trying to strip away our identity as women and take our spaces away. They are doing what men have always wanted to do since women have fought for rights. When I heard her talk about her recent album to see what she was doing out of curiosity I was so saddened. She mentioned being porn star in past life. I'm thinking nothing is stopping her from being porn star. She is prompting very unhealthy life that she has no interest in doing to show she is sexual cool girl.

Men are promoted to just be who they are as person. That's why they project them with more innocence's. Look at male entertainers. They don't put on show like women are expected to do. They wear the same shit constantly even to entertain. Their is never young gorgeous men prancing around in very skimpy sexual cloths surrounded by average looking or fat middle aged women who are completely clothed. Boys have humanity because they will be man someday. Girls are fuck toy with no value in the eyes of men.

[–]Happy_face_caller 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That is so disturbing but not shocking right? We been knew