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[–]cybitch 12 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I’ve decided to equate men, in my mind, with drugs, like cocaine or whatever.

That's what it is essentially. Just brain chemicals. That's what all of life is anyway. Some people feel like acknowledging this makes life meaningless, but the only way it can be meaningful is if you decide it is. The sense of meaning also comes from your mind. It can be whatever you want it to be, so you don't have to stay stuck in that fairy tale fantasy of finding some perfect prince.

The reason women are so stuck on men is ironically the same reason men are awful - they're scary and violent. Finding one who'd let you hide behind their back used to be crucial for our survival. But in modern times, it's the person you choose to hide behind that is the most dangerous, as statistics have shown. Unfortunately our instincts evolved in a different time and haven't changed since then. So women will always have those submissive tendencies even if it's self-destructive. But if you're lucky you can find a sense of stability and security from something other than a romantic relationship.

[–]madandunabashed 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If women are told from birth that they’re stupid, that they don’t have any talent, that all the smart and talented people are men, that the only things that matter for them are being pretty and nice, a lot of them going to end up internalizing that idea and just focusing on being pretty and nice, and effectively becoming stupid. That’s why there are so many pickmeishas out there.

This is so true, and it's why it's so important for every single one of us here to change the narrative. We have to be mindful of the language we're using and the ideas we're suggesting by it.

I wish someone had warned me. I wish I had had a badass radical feminist aunt propping me up from a young age, telling me that I was awesome, that I could do anything I set my mind to, and more.

We can be that woman for other women, now! It doesn't just have to be little girls.

Discovering r/Pinkpillfeminism was eye-opening for me. All of these women weren’t only verbalizing my thoughts that had been simmering under the surface for a long time—they were also all ridiculously smart, well-read, fantastic at writing, logical, philosophical. There is absolutely a correlation there. Radical feminism is what makes you finally put all the bullshit behind you and unlock your potential. Maybe it was wasted for years, decades, but it doesn’t matter. Now you see reality, and you can do it. You can live your life the way you always deserved.

Yes!!! It was so immensely validating to discover the radfem community out there. It destroyed any internalized mysogyny lurking around within myself. I saw how, when women don't have to fear suffering social consequences for speaking out, they recognize all of the bullshit I've recognized.

[–]theLastRound 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The one thing I notice about women in general is their lack of self-confidence, and that leads them to thinking of themselves as less intelligent and capable than men, and in turn, it affects their performance. I notice as well an awful anti-feminist backlash on Youtube, the Internet in general and in real life by both men and women and teens as well. It is really depressing and disheartening. I have a dream that we will one day care about sexism as much as we do for racism.