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[–]AnarchySpeach[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ever since Reddit got bought by China the censorship has gotten worse. It's impossible to ignore nowadays.

People are too willing to turn a blind eye towards it. Their friends would leave them in a heartbeat if they said something against the groupthink. Here. Watch this. The most amazing magic trick I have ever found:


See? No ban. Nobody swarming me. Nobody downvoting me to oblivion. Freedom of speech. You can disagree. You can say it's a bad word (and I agree,) but at the end of the day we can't censor people because "They said a bad word, so all of their logic doesn't count." It's only a matter of time before "Woke" becomes equal to the N word. We'll be calling it the W-Word in hopes we don't get banned.

It's evil, it's offensive, but to censor it is an admission of fear. Voldermort does not walk this earth. I will not fear someone because they say things I disagree with.

The inability to criticize a group is proof they have too much control. It's a darn shame that the American freedoms we glorify, that people have died to protect, doesn't extend two feet into the internet.

If somebody has an "Incorrect ideology" then let them speak. If they are so completely wrong as to have earn the right to be called names, then surely, their narrative isn't powerful enough to convince anybody of a sound mind. By censoring others, deleting comments, and ensuring that echo chambers remain closed off cults, we block off people seeking only friendship. They look for anybody who will accept them. Even if those people say ridiculous stuff. Then we reinforce their choice by refusing to engage them in conversation.

Name calling achieves nothing. Removing words achieves nothing.

The difference between an internet conversion and a physical one is the ability to speak without fear, but that also comes with the power to speak without repercussion. Why? Usernames. Why do we use them? Because group echo chambers can mobilize pitchforks at a moments notice over nonsense.

Censorship causes us to eventually censor ourselves for protection. These usernames are proof of that.

Someday, I hope we end echo chambers.

It all starts with removal of fear. Removing the power from scary words. Letting people speak out loud so people can debate the logic of the argument without emotional tribalism.

Reddit doesn't care about any of this. They only care about money. The evil they create is by design. They don't care about the subreddits full of hate speech, or the KKK, until a newspaper threatens their income. Then they nuke it and move on.

Eventually people will realize they're being used. Until then places like saidit will be islands of free speech. Pockets of light in an uncaring world.